Chapter 7

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" Is she going to be okay doctor?" Kale was sitting beside Kenna. I can't believe that I didn't tell Kenzie shut up. Now Kenna is here in the hospital. God I am supposed to be helping her and now I am only hurting her. I was so happy that she decided to let me be apart of my kids life.

" She should be fine when she wakes up. But she will has to stay for at least a couple of days so we can monitor her. But I can't tell you more than that sir. You are not family. I wish I could tell you but my hands are tied."

" I understand." I thanked the doctor an she left. I sat back down next to Kenna. Ty and Kenzie left about an hour ago and said they would be back soon. I know Kenzie was upset because they were fighting when she collapsed. If I hadn't been standing beside Kenna she would have fallen into the counter which would have been bad.

" Kale?" Kenna's voice was quiet. I looked at her and her eyes were fluttering open.

" Kenna. How are you feeling?" I am glad she is awake.

" Tired. Where am I?" she said.

" Honey you are in the hospital. You collapsed in your kitchen and I drove you here. I was so scared you were going to lose the babies." I looked in her eyes. I don't know what I would have done if she lost the babies. I wouldn't be able to handle that again.

" Are they okay? Did I hurt them?" She started to cry. I got up on the bed with her and held her as she cried. It felt right to be with her like this. I loved being this close to her. After she finished crying I went and got the doctor.

" McKenna do you want me to ask Kale to leave?" the doctor asked I knew it was because of the doctor patient confidentiality clause but still it irked me that I might have to leave.

" No he can stay. They are his kids to." she looked at me and I silently thanked her. She smiled in return. Gosh she was beautiful. I think That is the moment I fell in love with her.

" Okay. We ran some tests and it showed that you have high blood pressure. All the stress you have is starting to affect your babies. I suggest that you take a few days off work and just relax. If you have someone to stay with you that would help you so you don't have so much to do."

" Okay I can have my sister stay with me for a few days." she said.

" Kenna do you mind if I help take care of you and the babies. I have to work from six to seven but I could come over after that and your sister can stay with Ty at night." I hope she let's me. All I want is to help her and right now this is the best way I can.

" Kale I am not sure that's a good Idea. I'm not trying to be mean but I don't think im ready to be alone with you." I looked away from her. I don't want to upset her more. "

Okay. I understand I will leave then. Kenzie and Ty will be by later. Call if anything happens to the babies." I walked out the door.


" Thanks doctor I will try to lower my stress level. I have been dealing with a lot right now." I felt like such a bitch for saying that to Kale. I was so scared when I woke up and Kale held me while I cried. It was so sweet of him. It just made me cry harder.

" McKenna if you want my opinion I wouldn't let home get away. There are not many guys like him anymore. Trust me I looked. When you came in here he was so worried it looked as if he was about to cry. All I am is saying is that don't throw something like that away. You won't find it again." The doctor walked from the room. Kenzie and Kale walked in.

" Hey sister. I am sorry for upsetting you. Kale called and told me that you have to much stress and that it is bad for you and the babies."

" The doctors said I am suffering from high blood pressure and that I need to take a few days to relax and that I need someone to stay with me because I need to rest an not do so much."

" Kale said that I should stay with you but to be honest I don't think I can. Work is just really busy and I can't get the time off."

" Oh okay I understand. U can just stay by myself. It shouldn't be that hard."

" Um Kenna I don't think you will like what I am about to say. I really think you should at least let Kale help you out. I still think you should marry him but I won't say anything about that. I don't want to make you anymore stressed." She looked at Ty and I could tell that he had scolded her earlier for even saying anything about it.

" It is okay Kenzie. Do you mind going to get me a bottle water." She left the room. " Ty?"

" Yeah Kenna?" I had to ask his opinion. He has been there for me for five years and I trusted his opinion.

" What do you think I should do? Should I marry him even though he doesn't love me? Even if I don't love him?"

" If you want my honest opinion I think you should because it would be best for the babies. I saw Kale grow up without both parents and if it wasn't for my parents I don't think he would have turned out the way he did."

" Thanks Ty. You really helped me." I turned over on my side. Before I fell asleep I had made a decision. I would marry Kale. Maybe we would learn to love each other. But I am going to ensure that if anything happens I will get my kids.


I think this song sums up what Kale is feeling even if Kenna doesn't feel the same.... Yet 😄


I won't be uploading till Monday. Tuesday at the latest . I am going to bust family and they don't have Internet so I won't be able to update. Please do t be mad. I will try to write a couple chapters on paper so I don't have to take time thinking about what will happen next. Hope y'all enjoy. 😄

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