Chapter 4

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Its been three weeks. I haven't talked to Kale or Kenzie. Kenzie has tried to call but the last time we talked she said that I ws being stupid and selfish. She said that because I didn't want Kale to have anything to do with the baby. I guess in a way I am but why would I have someone like him our life. He would most likely end up hurting us. All I want to do is protect my baby from being hurt. The only person I have talked to about this is my brother in law Ty. He doesn't judge me he just listens to what I have to say.

Today is my first doctors appointment. I am really excited and nervous. I decided on wearing a brown flowing skirt with a white tank top and white sandals. I left my hair loose and applied only mascara and lip gloss. I haven't been in the mood to really do my makeup lately. I am always tired or sick.

When I got to he doctors they had me fill out a question sheet about my past medical history. I have been sitting here for about 20 minutes when I saw Kale entering the building. What the hell is he doing here? He sees me and comes to sit by me. I just keep reading the magazine about babies. I wasn't really reading it.

"So.... How are you Kenna?"

"What the hell Kale? I told you I didn't want anything to do with you. Who told you about my doctors appointment? It must have been Ty. He is the only one who knows."

"Its not his fault Kenna. I want to be here. I know you said yo didn't want me to have any part in this childs life but I want to be a part f his or her life.'

"I don't care about what you want Kale. Its about what is best for my child. I honestly believe it would be best if you just left us alone."

"I don't believe that."

"Just go away Kale. Go home to your girlfriend." I look back down at my magazine.

"McKenna Master's" The nurse calls five mintues later. I get up and walk to the door. Kale follows behind me.

"What are you doing Kale?"

"I'm coming with you."

"Oh no you are not. I told you I didn't want you to be around."

"I dont care about what you want."

"Whatever." I walked with the nurse to exam room. She was looking at Kale and I. God I wish he would have listened to me. The nurse hands me a hospital robe and tells e to change.

"The doctor should be in soon." She shuts the door leaving me and Kale alone. I look around. There is no bathroom for me to change.

"You need to leave Kale."

"I told you Kenna I am not leaving."

"Fine can you turn around so I can change." He turns around and I rush to change. I sit o the exam table. The doctor comes in a few minutes later.

"Hello Miss Master's. I am Doctor Wilson and I will be your Doctor during your pregnancy.Do you have any questions for me?"

"No I really don't. You can call me Kenna."

"Okay Kenna first we are gonna have a look and then we will do a ultrasound."

"Okay that's fine." The doctor moves to the end of the bed and lifts my legs up into the stirrups. He did a quick exam of my pelvic area.

"Everything seems to look good on this end. I am going to order a blood test to check for any STD's or health concerns. Have you had any unprotected sex recently?"

"No I haven't and I shouldn't have a STD. I have only ever had sex with one person and he happens to be standing behind you." The Doctor turns around and looks at Kale.

"Sir have you had any unprotected sex recently that couldhave led to an STD?"


"Okay we want to be 100% sure because an STD can be very harmful to a fetus. I will send the ultrasound technician in and I will see you next month Miss Masters."

"Thank you doctor."  When the doctor left the room was very quite. I just sit there looking at the clock waiting for the Ultrasound tech to come in. Finally after ten minutes the tech finally came in.

" Hello I am Doctor Jesse Mercer and I m the ultrasound tech. So if you could lay down Miss Master's I am going to place this cloth on your lower body so we can lift the gown up so we can see your baby." She lays the cloth over my body and lifts the gown up to revel my slightly bigger stomach.

"Dad if you could move up next to moms head so you can watch the monitor. I'm going to put this gel on your stomach. It will be cold." She puts the gel on my stomach and take the wand and moves it over my stomach. Kale moves to hold my hand. Without thinking I hold on to his.

"Look here at this little spot that is your babies heart beat. Hold on it looks like there is two heart beats. It looks like you guy's are having twins."

"Holy Shit. You have to be kidding me?"

"No sir I am not kidding you."

"Oh my god. I am having twins."

"No Kenna we are having twins." I look up at Kale. He has tears in his eyes.

"McKenna Faith Masters Will you marry me."

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