260 11 1

 Charlie Morgan


I am going to be late.

"Taxi!" I called. "Taxi!"

You could say today was a busy day for the people of New York. I'd been outside my apartment, blowing on my fingers for the last five minutes and if I didn't get down town in the next ten minutes, my dream job is gone.

"Hey, Hey you! Stop! Please!" I yell, running to the parked Taxi on the side of the walk way.

"Were to." The driver asked.

"Daily Inc." I said, catching my breath.

There was a pause and I almost screamed. The driver looked at me through the mirror and raised an eyebrow. I looked down at my attire. I had on a striped white and green under shirt with a black blazer with matching black pants and a brown leather belt. I'd slipped on a pair of green heels and a few golden and black bracelets before walking out the door.

I looked good.

"Is there a problem?" I ask, trying to keep my cool.

"No." He said, frowning his eye brows.

"Then drive." I half yell, taking out my phone.

You could also say I was panicking. Possibly hyperventilating.

Today, I was signing a contract for a building that would be the start of my career. But the people who were building it were high class. They were the rich people that looked down at you if you said the wrong thing or gave the wrong impression. In this case, I was the poor person who looked up to the rich.

I had no idea what I was in for in getting to the place. The fact that they'd even called back for a meeting was nothing short of luck. Though, I knew for a fact that if I was late, I wouldn't look professional despite my dress. So, I turned to my sources. The only person in my life who knew how to not act like a complete and utter fool of them selves when it came to the business world.

"Yello." Tracy answered the phone on the third ring.

"I think my water just broke." I say, cringing at the look the driver gave me.

"Well take deep breaths and try not to look too constipated." She says, and I want to cry.

"This is serious Tracy, I don't know what to do. What If I say something wrong, or smile to big and there's food in my teeth?" I exclaim, and run my nails threw the crevice of my mouth.

"Hmm, well, you could always keep your mouth shut." She says, and I know I'm being mocked.

"Tracy!" I groan, and she laughs.

"What do you want me to say, all you have to do is sign some papers and right a check. Its not like your going to have lunch with the people. If you were, then you'd have a problem, because I highly doubt you know which spoon and fork go for which dish." She says.

"What if they ask me questions?" I ask, ignoring her last statement.

"Then answer them." She says like its the most obvious thing in the world.

"Tracy!" I exclaim, "Can I get a useful answer please?"

"OK, Charlie. You worry to much. I want you to repeat after me... You say were."

"...I say were." I said sighing.

"You say when."

"I say when." I repeat.

"And you say how much." She says.

"And I say how much."

"Good. Feel better?" She asks, just as the big building comes into view.

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