He Got My Joke

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Hey guys, welcome back. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I worked pretty freakin hard on it. Oh and please don't leave stupid comments about my grammar. It has not been edited. I mean I just started the book so cut me some slack.


Enjoy Everyone!


Have you ever felt stupid? And when I say stupid I mean stupid beyond belief. Like you thought one  thing then you realized, 'Oh yeah, that's what I meant', when your really saying, 'Whaatt?'.

Well, I'm having one of those moments right now. Except, usually I don't have a problem with that considering it's usually with my friends that I have blond moments with, not extremely gorgeous, sexy as sin, CEO billionaires who ask me to lunch.

Apparently, when I thought about going to lunch with Mr. Hastings, the first thing that came to mind was sparkly, shiny things and lots of green paper with presidents on them-preferably Benjamin's - I didn't think I would be going to lunch with Mr. Hastings at the not-so- sparkly, not-so-shiny, five or ten dollar billed Starbucks ten blocks down the street.

Yes, you read me right.

He took me to Starbucks.

Now, there is nothing wrong with Starbucks. I actually happen to love Starbucks, but usually, I'd only go in the morning for a coffee or caramel frapichino.

Not for lunch.

"So this is what the great multi-million-billionaire-Hastings has to offer." I'd asked when we sat down at a booth in the far corner of small coffee shop.

 He told me I could get anything I wanted, 'the sky was the limit' he'd said, and, me knowing this opportunity might not come again, I picked a large vanilla iced coffee and some pumpkin bread. After ordering himself a Chicken & Greens Creaser Salad and water.

Who gets water from Starbucks?

"Well, you should have come on a different day if you wanted to eat something more high class. You could come by tomorrow and I'd take you t-"

"Whoa Mr. Business Man." I say, some-what startled, "I was joking, plus I didn't say I didn't like this place."

And I didn't. To be completely honest, I was glad he didn't take me somewhere of that scene, considering I wasn't prepared for to humiliate myself again today. Plus I didn't want to have to text Tracy every two seconds to tell me what to say, or what to order because I highly doubt I'd be able to pronounce half the crap the place would cell.

"Oh." He said, almost looking dejected but covered it quickly. "And stop calling me that, Mr. Business or Mr. Hastings, that's my father." he says, eating his salad soundlessly.

"OK, then what do I call you?" I ask, not knowing why I asked.

We wouldn't be working together. He was rude. And a liar. And even though the guy had more money than the stars in the sky, I still didn't like the weird, tingly, vibe he was putting off. It was like every time we touched, or he looked me in the eye, there would be some kind of exchange I didn't understand.

It was weird even for me.

And I was one weird motherf-

"Zachary." He said, bringing me out of my thoughts, "You can call me Zach."



That's super sexy.

"Cool." I said, taking a bite out of my pumpkin bread.

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