Wine & Chocolate Strawberrys

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Hey guys, sorry for the super late update, I've been getting really caught up in school and starting this other story and its just ugh!! But I managed to finally get this chapter finished I'm just really sick of seeing the Draft sign by it so I finished it for you. Its not all the way edited and I know its not because I wrote it for fucks sake so please don't leave any negative coments.

Anyway this chapter isn't really dedicated to anyone but hey, Enjoy!

Have you ever been scared so bad you think you might just poo, yourself? Well I haven't, not until I got back to my apartment at least. And it wasn't something I'd expected to see, obiviously.

When I left my apartment this morning, it was empty. Nothing but the items in my house left behind. But when I came home, there were three very grown up adult women, playing an awkward game of twister in my front room...

That something that scars a woman.

"Um, guys? What are you doing?" I ask, not bothering to hide my shock...or my dismay.

At the sound of my voice, they all dropped on top of each other with a loud clump like sound to the floor.

"We were waiting for you. You took longer than we thought so we just came over here." Riley said, getting up.

"How'd you get in?" I ask, I know I locked my door.

"Tracy." They said, and I looked to Tracy seeing her smirk in my direction.

"You should really hide your key better. You know, not under your door matt." She said, walking in the direction of my kitchen, which basically looped back to were the living area is.

"Well then." Was all I say, before plopping down on the couch.

"Whoa," Candice says,"You don't look to happy..."

"Yeah..." I say, and wait or it.


"Wait! Not yet the chocolate is still melting and I haven't even started the movie! We cant do this with out our normal routine." Tracy exclaimes.

...We don't have a routine.

Every Monday and Friday, we come together at one of our apartments and just talk, catch up and gossip. There's food-junk-and drinks-liquor- so it's even more comfortable. Then we have movies to go with it, but I wouoldnt say we had a routine.

"Trac, are you on your period." Candice asks.

"Yeah, and I've been craving chocolate all day now, so I bought some for us." She replied, not looking up from the little pot of melting chocolate.

"Mmm, do have any strawberrys, Charlie?" Riley asks, going towards my fridge.

"Yeah." Was all I said, not really in the mood.

I was so confused. Why had I said I was getting married? To Zachary Hastings more or less was even worse. I didn't even know the guy, all I knew was that he was really rich and really famous. I knew he had a lot of hotels and company buildings all over the US and was a perfesional in Arcatecture.

But that's it.

Other than knowing his favorite color and that he wasn't a vegetarian-considering his salad had spinach AND chicken in it-I didn't really know anything about him personally. I'd only ever really wanted to marry one person. Well, two.


And a Tracy's brother Tyler.

But that's another story.

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