Rude Awakening

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Hey guys, this is just a filler chapter because...I'm KINDA stuck sooo if you have any ideas please don't go mute.

So here it is...


Chapter ....Something.

Oh Shit..

Have you ever thought that? Like, you figure out something that you never meant to happen or something that went incredibly wrong and your first thought is, in fact,

Oh Shit...

Now, if your wondering why I'm having a case of OS, then you my friend are one nosey son of a bitch, but I'll be nice and tell you anyway.

Right now I'm lying in a bed that isn't mine, in clothes that definitely are not mine, with a sold body holding me to them. Steady breathing is blown in my ear, a pair of soft lips brush against my neck as strong arms pull me closer, the hold on me tighting as if I'd disappear. My legs tangled with another pair of longer firmer legs.  Trying to calm my heart beat, I think back to last nights events.

The mall, my makeover, Zach, the store, cooking, talking about our family, caramel, sweet, sweet, caramel, and a mind blowing kiss, followed by red wine, Vodka, steak, and cake.

But I don't remember sleeping...

"Mr. Hasting I- Oh, I'm sorry!" Came a voice from the bedroom door.

Hastings, Hastings, Hastings.

Feeling Zachary stir behind me, I stir too, slowly rising from our position. Turned around is a little old woman with pepery colored hair and a thick frame. I felt a low rumble and realized it was Zach 'chuckleing'.

"Good morning to you too Mrs. Winnfred." Zach says, and Mrs. Winnred turns around and smiles brightly at Zach.

"I'm sorry for waking you, I just came to let you know I was leaving." She says, and smiles once at me before leaving.

Well, isnt she just...perky.

"And good morning to you Miss. Morgan." Zacharys husky voice mummers in my ear.

A shiver racks through me and I breath in the homey smell that is Zachary Hastings. I turn to face him and before I can utter a word his lips are on mine, moving in a way I never knew posible. It was like a dream, a very soft dream, that is until he tries to shove his tounge in my mouth.

"Ok, thats enough of that." I said, pulling away from him.

I mean don't get me wrong, the kiss was great, amazing even, but considering I just woke up and with the slightest swipe of my own tounge to me teeth, I can feel my fuzzy monsters..and they dont exactly taste like rainbows and sunshine.

"Were are you going?" Zach asks, as I get up from bed.

"Well, I thought I was going to the bathroom, but I don't know." I say, "Maybe you wanted to kiss a woman who woke up looking like a blond hobo with bad breath and weird bed hair."

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