Part 8

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Chat/Adrein's POV
I land on Marinette's balcony and climb down the hatch trying to focus my vision to the dark room. (It's still the middle of the night) I place Marinette on her bed and take Tiki out of my pocket and lay her down on a tiny bed on her desk, which I assume is hers. There is a cookie beside it and Tiki starts eating it. I detransform and sit on the end of Marinette's bed as Plagg goes to comfort Tiki. I watch as her chest slowly rises up and falls back down. "I'm so sorry." I say as I place my throbbing head in my hands. I feel a warm but shaky hand on my leg and I look up to see Marinette slowly opening her eyes. "It's not your fault Chat." She says in a whisper. She's not surprised that it's me? But she called me Chat...
She probably can't see me because it's so dark, I lean over and turn on a lap that's by her bedside to show her who I really am.
"How you feeling my lady?" I ask her. I can see the shocked look in her eyes.

Marinette's POV
I can just make out the outline of Chat in my darken room, but something's a little different... I can't tell where his cat ears are.. I probably just can't see them because it's so dark. Chat turns on my lamp and says "How you feeling my lady?" As my eyes adjust to the new lighting I see that it's not Chat but ADRIEN??!!! My heart is pounding so fast I can hear it in my ears, so many memories flash before my eyes, all the similarities between Chat and Adrein... why didn't I see it before?
"You-you're Chat?" I try to say without stuttering. "Yea." he simply says as something behind me catches his eye; Tiki. She flies towards me with another kwami, black and almost cat like. "Marinette! You're okay!" She says happily and nuzzles my cheek. "I'm glad your feeling better too." I say and show her a smile. "This is Plagg by the way." Adrien says. "Hi Plagg." I say and look at Adrien. Adrien is Chat Noir and my all time crush, AND HE'S IN MY ROOM! Good thing my computer screen is off or he would have seen my screensaver of him.. OMG he knows that I like him.. and he likes someone else...
"Are you okay?" He asks me with a concern look as I try to sit up on my own but a sharp pain raced through my entire body and I wince. "Try not to move." He says as he places a blanket on me. "If you transform it should help heal you a bit quicker, and I have my energy back." Tiki says and I nod at her. "Tiki, spots on." And I'm engulfed in a red flash and I'm wearing my red suit with black spots. "Feel better?" Adrien asks. "Yea, a little bit." I say as I try to sit up now, it's painful but manageable. All of a sudden Adrien pulls me in a tight hug and I hug him back. "I'm so sorry Marinette. This is all my fault." He says and pulls away. "This isn't your fault." I say looking at his bright green eyes. "But it is, I missed Hawkmoth and I used my cataclysm on the wall instead..." he says and looks at the floor trying to avoid looking at me. "I don't blame you. I blame myself... I should've went in with a better plan, I went in with only half of my concentration." I say and he looks back at me. "What do you mean?" He asks with worry in his voice. "When I told you the other day at school that I liked you, you said you liked someone else. So all I could think was.." I trailed, I can feel tears forming in my eyes now. "My lady, I said that because I like Ladybug.."
"But you don't like me as Marinette.." I say cutting him off. "I like the girl who's behind the mask." He says looking into me eyes. "But it's just me, plain, clumsy, and boring Marinette." I say looking down at my hands that are covered from my suit. "You're way more than that my lady, you're amazing, smart, creative, and beautiful behind the mask." He says gently lifting my chin so we are face to face. At that moment I detransform and Tiki flies out of my earring. He leans in closer to me and our lips collide and ours eyes close like we did this a hundred times before. I feel a warm jolt go through my body. I dreamed about this moment for year, but I never thought it would mean this much or feel this real.

I hope you all like this so far!!
Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes, I didn't really edit it. I'm not sure when I'll finish this story, but I'll probably do 2-3 more parts.

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