Chapter 4: Strange Occurences

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Nova looked around with her sharp eyes. She was at a school? How did I get here? She wondered. The only thing she remembered was intense heat and darkness and a crushing pain in her ribs. She looked down. Why don't I remember anything about being a hawk? Then she saw her. Chanel.

Nova found a strange attraction to the girl she never remembered. She flew near her, intrigued. Chanel looked up with a strange knowingness in her eyes. "I knew you'd be back," she whispered, just loud enough for Nova's ears to pick up. Nova looked at her, curious. "Yes, I know it's you, Nova," Chanel murmured.

Nova? Is that my name? Chanel held out an arm and Nova landed on it.
Chanel looked at her with interest. "I forgot you don't remember anything. I'll catch you up. But first...," she pulled out a notebook and a pencil and wrote down a few words. They immediately disappeared. She closed the notebook and put it away.

The bell rang. Chanel looked apologetically at the bird on her arm. "Gotta go," she said. She shooed the hawk so she could go to class. Nova flew to a nearby tree and watched Chanel walk away.

When she walked out again, Nova was there waiting for her. Chanel looked directly at the tree. "Come here," she commanded her. Nova obediently flew onto Chanel's arm and gazed at her expectantly.

What am I, some kind of trained pet? Nova asked herself in disgust. She hated the idea of being nothing but a tamed bird, but when Chanel called her, she couldn't resist. Something compelled her forward, pushed her to go to the girl.

Chanel looked at nova with her dazzling hazel eyes. "You see, Nova," she began, "what you don't remember is that you went to this school. You had a perfectly normal life with a perfectly normal essay due in a week. But then you met me. You got in a bad car crash, crushed your ribs, broke a few other bones, burned. But I gave you a second chance."

Chanel had a gleam in her eyes as she said this. Nova wondered, How is that possible? What does she mean?

Chanel tilted her head, and said, "You'll find out. Soon enough, you'll find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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