What did you do?

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Siera POV:

I was just trying to have a peaceful nap but then some b*tch just had to come wake me up "b*tch, Im trying to sleep" I say with my eyes closed "babe it's me" "what you want?" I asked him "you have to leave now" Roc said out of breath I open my eyes and say "Roc wats going on" I asked but he just ignored me and continued looking out the door, waiting for me to get ready "ROC I ASKED WATS GOING ON!!??" I asked again "I'll tell you when we get in the car" I sigh and put my clothes on, put the baby in the car seat that Roc brought and we quietly tip toed out the hospital. As we walk to the car, we hear gun shots and I scream "HURRY UP AND GET IN THE CAR" he yelled at me...I cant believe he yelled at me. I hesitated at first then got in the car as he strapped Aliyah in. She was crying as was I. Roc got in the car and sped off onto the highway. "Roc tell me wats going on NOW" he looked at me then back at the street and sighed "well remember wen I was in the hospital?" he asked "yeah" I replied "well I was in the hospital that day because I had borrowed some money from a man named Brian and I didnt have the money to pay him back so he threatened me saying that if I didnt have his money by yesterday he was going to kill my friends and family so that's why we have to leave here...ALL of us. We're as in you and me are going to meet everyone at the airport and we're leaving right away" I hit him real hard causing him to almost lose control of the wheel "WHAT THE F*CK CHERSANTO" "babe im sorry" he said "you know what, shut up and drive. Dont even look or talk to me the whole ride there. Wait but before we stop talking, where are we going?" "we're going to Virginia" I turn my face to the window and look in the side mirror and realize that the car that's behind us has been following us since we left the hospital I mean I know that aint long but I find that really creepy "turn here" I tell Roc "what?" "I SAID TURN HERE!" he turns and then asks me "what was the meaning of that" "the car behind us has been following us since we left the hospital" I tell him then he speeds up and starts dodging cars and then gunshots start being fired again "CHERS" I yell "unbuckle Aliyah and sit on the floor" I did as he said and then started crying "Roc...I love you" I told him "I love you too" he replied and drove even faster "we're here he said" we got out the car and took our suitcases out the trunk and went inside the airport seeing everyone bickering and yelling at each other "hey" I semi-yelled but no one heard me "HEY" now all eyes were on me "we're gonna get through this okay, together" I let a tear roll down my cheek "this is harder for me than it is for yal okay so ima need yal TO SHUT THE F*CK UP" and THAT was when everyone calmed down. Roc came behind me and tried to hug me but I just pushed him away and walked to Tayler.

Roc's POV:

I done f*cked up now. "Roc, you done f*cked up now, what were you thinking mane?" Ray said "man I dont even know but what I DO know is that Siera wont talk to me, kiss me, hug me, or even LOOK at me man" I replied "I understand why" I sigh and put my face in my hands and look over at Siera that was crying onto Tayler's shoulder holding Aliyah. I stay sitting down until our flight is called and I let everyone walk ahead. What have I done?

*soooo who saw that coming? shuld I write more? comment, vote bye loves...again for now*

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