Who Are You?

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Place: at the hospital

Roc's POV:

the fuck is going on here? "aye bruh you cant go slapping girls like that" I told him "well you I do it all the time to her so what you gon do bruh?" he said getting in my face so I punched him, picked up Siera and ran to my car pulling off


Siera POV:

wa? Where am I? and why? what happened and when? and who is this man sitting next to me?


Siera POV:

I looked around the room I was In and at the strange person next to me. He jumped up when he saw my eyes open "Siera!?" he said shocked and enlightened. How does he even know my name? "why are you looking at me like you don't know me" he laughed but...I wasnt laughing I really didnt know who he was. Just then the doctor walked in....wait the doctor? What happened? For real was I sick or something "Mr. August, can I speak with you for a minute?" Mr. August huh? well Mr. August needs to stay as far away from me as he can. He looked at me then got up and I just laid down there relaxing.


Roc POV:

I saw her open her eyes and I got hype but she didnt seem to remember me. Just then the doctor walked in and called me out the room. I followed. "well?" I asked anxious to know why she was looking at me like a stranger. "well..I'm sorry to say this but she has amnesia so that means she remembers nothing except probably her name" my heart fell to pieces. "so she doesn't remember me or the fun times we had? Or her daughter? or her boyfriend?" the doctor shook his head no "but trying to convince her on some things may cause her to be too stressed and she'll forget everything for ever. Her memory however may return during some days but it will be a couple of months or so til' her full memory is back" he told me. I sighed and nodded trying to process this all in "thank you I said but can I at least tell her that I'm her boyfriend?" I asked "I don't think fooling her at the moment will do you any good when she does get her memory back, besides it would probably stress her out too much. Try to build a friendship with her and also she has a couple of bruises and cuts about 20 but we examined them and only 2 of them was from the incident the other 18 of them were signs of abuse and in the incident you said it was her head and her side that got hit hard when she fell. Do you know where those other bruises came from?" I nodded and explained to him about Johnathan. The doctor nodded and asked where Johnathan lives i guess because he's getting arrested now but he told me what medication she needed to take and what she needed to rub on the bruises and cuts. He said that she can get out tonight so then I walked back into the room Seira was in then I picked up my cell phone and called her mom to tell her the news and she said that she was on her way over then I called the guys, they were worried as well.


===15 minutes later===

Seira POV:

as i was laying down watching spongebob the strange boy and my this lady walked in. "Oh My Gosh My Baby!" she yelled and ran to me kissing me all over my face. "Who are you?" I asked out of curiosity "I'm your mother and i'm here to take you home mami" she smiled "ohh mommy!" I laughed and hugged her. I can't wait to see the house we live in. I get up off the hospital bed but then i feel a sharp pain in my side and i lay back down on the bed holding my side. "mom my side hurts" I looked at her and she rubbed my arm and said it will be okay it was just a hard fall. After about 4 hours in the hospital, I was finally let free. That boy or so called Mr.August helped me into the car but it seemed like he didn't want to let go. He was weird and creeped me out. He smirked at me and I smiled a little. He was a big flirt but he was cute. On our ride home, he held my hand and told me that I have a little sister named Aaliyah. She was 3 but very smart for her age. He was so sweet and not so bad as I thought. My mom told me that I better get used to him because he's gonna be the one taking care of me from now on. I nodded and smiled to myself. We pulled up to the house 15 minutes later. My house was huge, it's like a mansion. Mr. August helped me out the car and carried me inside to the couch. My mom had to work so she left her number on a piece of paper on top of the table and said that she would call to check up on me in a hour or so. She grabbed her pocketbook and walked out leaving me and Mr. August in awkward silence so I decided to speak up.

me: "soo Mr. August...what's your real name?"

him: "Chresanto but people call me Roc or Roc Royal"

me: why so?

him: well, because i'm in this boy band called Mindless Behavior and cause I like the name

I giggled and he smiled. His smile is soo sexy oh my gosh.

me: so how many people are in your band?

him: 4

me: oh so do they know me too?

him: yup

I yawned and laid my head on his shoulder.

him: sleepy?

I nodded and he swooped me up in his big muscular arms, carrying me up the stairs bridal style to my room. He tossed me my pajamas and turned around so I can change and turned back around when I was done. He gave me a glass of water and a pain killer then he grabbed some cream like substance to rub on my cuts and bruises especially for the part on my side. I winced in pain and he gave me a worried look.

me: don't worry, I'm fine

he smiled a little then finished up. He put the bottle of pain killers the doctor prescribed for me and the cream on my dresser next to the bed then kissed my forehead and walked towards the door

him: sweet dreams Seira I'll call your mom to let her know that you're fine and asleep 

he turned off the light and closed my door but not fully. I turned over wishing he would've stayed. For some reason I feel like I have a connection with him as if we were meant to be together. I feel like..I love him. I don't even know him though. I covered my face with my hands and drifted off to sleep thinking about him. He seemed like everything I wanted


yeoo, I find it crazy how i started the chapter mad long ago but never finished smh but it's done, hope u like or w.e lol.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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