Chapter 11

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{A/N: media picture will apply to the chapter}
Kris's POV
Madi and I have been slowly moving her things to my place for about 2 weeks now and today we're getting the last of it. "You sure you got everything?" I asked her as we stood in the living room of what's no longer her apartment. "Yep." She replied with a smile. "Alright let's go." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we walked out. We took the keys by the landlords office then drove to the other side of Chicago to my house.

We got to the house and moved the last few boxes from my truck to the house and unpacked them. After we got done we both flopped down on the couch. "I'm exhausted." Madi said. "Me too." I commented before laying on my side and putting my head in her lap making her laugh. We sat on the couch watching TV for a little while until I got a call. I picked up my phone to see who it was and it was Anthony so I answered it
Phone call
KB: Hey Rizz
Rizz: Hey bro. Would you and Madi wanna go eat with me and Emily tonight?
KB: Sure man. Where and what time?
Rizz: I was thinking Ronnie's Steak House and 7
KB: Sound good. We'll be there
Rizz: Alright see you there bro
End phone call

"Hey babe we're going to eat with Rizz and Emily at Ronnie's." I told Madi. "Ok. What time?" She asked looking at her watch. "Seven." I said and she jumped up and ran upstairs to start getting ready. I looked at the clock and realized it was already 5:00 so I went to the guest bathroom to take a shower. After I got out, I dried off then went to our room to get dressed. I had gotten completely ready to go by the time Madi got out of the shower and she still had to dry her hair, get dressed, and do her makeup and we have to leave in 45 minutes.

"Babe you've gotta get movin!" I told her from outside the closed bathroom door. "Hush! You can't rush perfection!" She said opening the door with an eyeliner pencil in her hand. "But you're already perfect." I said making her blush. "Ok sir. If you keep doing that than we're never gonna get to the restaurant because I'm gonna have to make out with you." She replied and I died laughing.

She finally got ready so she grabbed her purse and I grabbed the keys and we walked out the door. We drove through Downtown Chicago jamming to a little bit of rap and a little bit of Madi's country music until we got to the restaurant. I parked the car and ran to Madi's side to open her door. She thanked me with a kiss on the cheek then we walked into the restaurant. "KB!" I heard when we walked in so I turned to see Anthony and Emily at a table so we walked over and sat down. I sat on the same side of the table as Anthony and Madi sat beside Emily.

Most of the night me and Anthony talked baseball while the girls carried on their own conversation until I heard Madi say 'I am getting another dog' and that brought my attention to their conversation. "You're what now?" I asked her and she laughed. "I just got you a dog." I continued. "I know but I want another one. Like maybe a German Short-haired pointer." She replied. "What is it with you and German dogs." Anthony asked making everybody laugh. "I don't know. They're all just really pretty." She said.

The rest of the night we talked about dogs until it started getting late and we all decided to go home. We said our goodbyes in the parking lot before getting in our cars and leaving. "Kris. The house is the other way." Madi said when I turned the wrong way out of the restaurant. "I know." I replied with a smile, keeping my eyes on the road. I could see her roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye and it made me laugh even more.

Madison's POV
I was riding in the car not really paying attention to where we were going until Kris pulled into a parking lot. "Babe, why are we at the animal shelter?" I asked him as he parked the car and turned it off. "You said you wanted another German dog. So I'm gonna get you one." He said and I almost cried. "I swear you're the best." I said kissing him and then getting out of the car and going inside. There was nobody at the front desk so we just started looking though the cages.

"Can I help you two?" Somebody said and we turned around to see an older man. "Actually yes. Do you happen to have a German Short-haired Pointer puppy?" I asked him. "As a matter a fact, I have one. Follow me." He said so we walked behind him and I couldn't stop smiling. "Say, I've never seen people dress up this nice to come get a dog." The man said and we laughed. "We actually went out to eat with friends tonight and she said she wanted another dog so I figured I'd come get her one." Kris told him. "Another?" He asked. "Yes sir. I just got her a German Shepard puppy for Valentine's Day." Kris said. "Wow. I wish my daughter could find a boyfriend like you. She's into the bad boys who treat her like dirt. Anyway, here he is." He said as we got to the puppy's cage. "Oh my goodness. He's beautiful. We'll take him." I said so the man got him out of the cage and we went back to the front of the building.

"I can't believe you just did that. I love you so much." I said giving Kris a kiss when we got back in the car. "What do you want to name him?" Kris asked as he put the car in drive and headed towards the house. I thought about it hard for a few minutes and came up with nothing. Then, as we passed Wrigley Field, an idea sparked. "Lets name him Wrigley!" I practically yelled. "Wrigley it is." He replied reaching over and petting the dog.

We got back home and Kris carried Wrigley so I could go get Jack out of his cage and take him to meet Wrigley. We put them down in front of each other and neither one of them did anything for a solid 5 minutes. They just stood there and stared at each other. "Well, I guess this is better than Jack being really territorial." Kris said and I agreed. After a while, Jack finally walked toward Wrigley and they started sniffing each other. "Progress!" I said throwing my hands in the air and Kris started laughing at me. "Ok. We have to inform the world of our new fur baby." I told him. Kris got Jack and I got Wrigley and we sat down on the floor with them. I propped my phone up on the couch and turned on the timer. In one of the pictures that the burst took, both Jack and Wrigley were looking at the camera so I deleted all the others and set the one I kept as my home screen and posted it on Instagram.
@Madi_tubb23: I was having a conversation with Emily and happened to convince Kris to get me another dog in the process. Isn't he the sweetest?🐶❤️ @kris_bryant17

"Ok. It's time for bed." Kris said so we got the dogs and carried them upstairs. We put them on our bed because Jack sleeps with us at night so we're gonna let both of them. We both went in the bathroom and got ready for bed. When we came back into the bedroom, both the dogs were asleep cuddled up to each other so I took a picture before we laid down. "Goodnight baby girl. I love you." Kris said. "I love you too babe." I replied. He gave me a kiss before we laid down and cuddled up to each other and our fur babies and fell asleep.
Y'all, I apologize for not updating in so long but my schedule has been so crazy lately. I'm either practicing or playing during the week until about 9:30 or 10 then I have to come home and eat and get a shower and by then I'm too tired to write. And on the weekends I'm either with friends that I don't see during the week, at the field practicing by myself, or playing in tournaments. So needless to say, softball is taking over my life (not that I'm complaining) but I barley have any time to update. I'm gonna try to get on a more regular updating schedule but I can't promise anything! Y'all please vote and comment!❤️

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