Chapter 12

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Madison's POV
The guys don't play for about a week so Kris and I decided to go to Las Vegas Valley to see his family. "Babe are you ready? We're gonna be late for our flight!" I heard Kris yell from the bottom of the stairs. "Yes." I replied as I drug myself down the stairs. It was currently 6:00 in the morning and our flight is at 7. "Awe poor thing. Did I wear you out that bad last night?" He said and I hit his shoulder. "Shut up!" I said as he laughed. Our attention was turned toward the door as Anthony walked in. "Hola! Mi familia!" He said giving each of us a hug. He's going to be taking care of our fur babies while we're in Las Vegas. "Hey dude. Thanks so much for doing this." Kris said. "No problema." He replied. "Are we Spanish today?" I asked him with a laugh. "Yeah! Hey maybe your dogs can teach me some German!" He said and the look Kris gave him was priceless. "Ok we need to go. We're gonna miss our flight." I said as I began to push Kris towards the door. "Bye Rizz! Love you!" Kris yelled from the door. "I love you KB!" Anthony replied and I couldn't help but laugh at their bromance. We got to the car and put our bags in before getting in and heading to the airport.

Kris's POV
Once we boarded the plane and got seated, I looked at Madi and she looked very nervous. "Babe why are you nervous? We fly all the time." I commented. "Because I just checked the weather and there's supposed to be a storm right in our flight path." She replied and I chuckled. "It's gonna be fine baby girl." I told her as I placed my hand on the inside of her thigh. "I love you." She said before planting a kiss on my lips. "I love you more." I told her with a smile.

After a 3 hour flight, we finally landed. Once we got off the plane went to baggage claim and got our stuff before heading to the parking lot where my parents were waiting on us. "Hey mama!" I said, dropping my stuff and hugging her before hugging my dad. "We missed you both so much! Kris, you have no idea how excited Nick is to see you. He would be here but he's not off work yet. He will be at the house when we get back though!" Mama told us. We stood in the parking lot and talked for a few minutes before pilling in the car and driving to my childhood home.

As my dad pulled in the driveway, so many memories hit me at once. Mostly memories of Nick and I playing baseball in the front yard. One of us would hit, the other would pitch. If the ball hit the road in the air, it was a home run. We only played 2 outs because with just one guy on each team, it took a long time to get 3.

Once the car was parked, we all got out of the car. I grabbed mine and Madi's bags and we headed inside. "Kris!!" I heard from the bottom of the stairs and I looked up to see my brother Nick. Both of us are grown ass men but after not seeing each other for a long time, we turn into 5 year olds. I dropped everything that was in my hands as Nick got closer to me and engulfed him in a hug. "Shit I missed you." I said into his shoulder. "I missed you too little brother." He responded. After releasing from the hug, we all sat down in the living room to catch up. "So Nick, when are you gonna be able to come out to Chicago for a game?" I asked him. "I don't know man. Work is really tying me down right now. I need to. I miss Chicago." He said. We talked for a little while longer until dad suggested grilling hotdogs for lunch and everyone agreed. We all went outside and while dad was grilling, mom and Madi sat on the swing and talked while Nick and I threw baseball. "Dude you have no idea how much I miss this." Nick stated holding up the ball. "You should've stuck with it bro. We could've been like Chase and Travis! Playing against each other in the majors!" I said and he smiled. Eventually the hotdogs were ready so we all fixed a plate and sat at the table on the porch to eat.

I miss doing this everyday

Sooooo, I was gonna put one you guys edits as the media picture... then I found a picture of Kris and Nick and I just had to use it! What's funny to me is Nick is older than Kris, but Kris is almost a head taller than Nick!😂  Also, for those who don't know, the Chase and Travis is was referring to is Chase and Travis d'Arnaud. Travis plays for the Mets and Chase plays for the Padres!

Boys In Blue {Kris Bryant fanfic} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now