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~ Third Person Perspective: Miyako ~

Miyako had a bad feeling. After dreaming of them, she had been on edge. It wasn't uncommon that every so often someone would mention them, but to think back to the last time she had seen the three of them brought a wave of nausea to the blonde.

She stared up at the ceiling and closed her eyes, only for a flash of spiky blonde hair to enter her thoughts. Sighing, she pulled herself from her bed.

The clock read 6:47am. Still early, but if they were going to assault her dreams, she might as well stay up. Maybe go for a walk. School didn't start for another day anyways.

Pulling on a sweater, she crept past her grandmother's room and slipped on some flats. She grabbed her grandmother's keys and left her home, locking the door as she did.

The streets were occupied by some runners and people like her who couldn't sleep. Miyako rounded her way to the park near by, the one she met Taka-chan at. It brought fond memories.

She had a crush on her childhood friend, but in the end they decided to stay friends. Now that she thought about it, dating Taka-chan would be rather strange.

Before she knew it, she was at the park. It was mostly empty. She walked the familiar paths, lost in thought, when her shoulder collided with another.

She snapped from her thoughts and looked at the person she hit. Only to recoil. It was him. Or looked like him at least. But she couldn't let her guard down.

"Are you alright miss?" The male asked. His voice was melodic, having a type of flow she couldn't describe. But it seemed to draw her in. If she wasn't fearing that he was one of them, she could spend the entire day just listening to him talk.

"I'm fine." Miyako finally replied, keeping her voice as calm as possible. It was just a coincidence. She got mistaken for someone else on more than one occasion.

"That's good." He said with a chuckle. "I'm actually glad I bumped into someone who might know where this is. I just moved here, but it seems I got a little lost on my way back from the convenience store." He explained.

She looked at the male's left hand, which held two thin plastic bags. In the other was a small folded white piece of paper, which must've held the address.

With no one else around, Miyako might as well help. Taking the paper from the male's right hand, she looked over the address. "Oh! This is easy. Just go down to the end of the park and take a right. It should be a block before the main street." She explained, slipping the paper back into the male's hand.

"Down, right, before the main street." The boy recited. "Thanks. You're a real life saviour. I'm Mitsuya. Saru Mitsuya."

"Gotokuji Miyako."

And the two went there separate ways, saying goodbye as they did. But the male's appearance stuck with her.

Blonde hair? Check
Blue eyes? Check
Spiky hair? Check
Toothy grin? Check

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, the blonde went home, slipping inside, making it seem like she never left. And when seven o'clock rolled around, she waited a few minutes before she got ready. Her day went on as if nothing had happened earlier.

~ Third Person Perspective: Mitsuya ~

Mitsuya's eyes were filled with child like glee as he found himself standing in front of his new home. He unlocked the lobby's door and headed to the apartment he and his brothers were sharing.

"Hey Boom. What took you so long?" His brother Kazuki (Butch) called out, as he stepped inside.

"Mitsuya! Jeez Kazuki, I figured you would remember he fact we're using different names, but I guess I was wrong." The blond replied closing and locking the door.

"Sorry Mitsu, but now that the door's shut it doesn't matter right?" Kazuki inquired. The blonde nodded.

After moving back to New Townsville, the three of them changed their names to fit in. They were now known as Saru Mamoru, Saru Mitsuya and Saru Kazuki.

"Oh is Mitsuya back?" Their eldest brother asked, stepping out from his room.
"I'm here! Where should I put the snacks? Away or on the counter?"
"Counter will do."

The blonde dropped off the bags and returned to the living room, plopping down on an empty chair. His thoughts shifted to the blonde girl from earlier.

"Watcha thinking about Boom?" Kazuki asked. Their eldest brother seemed interested as well, since he sat down with the two after raiding the plastic bags for something to eat.

"I met this really pretty girl in the park today." The blonde mused, a lazy smile resting against his lips. "She had silky looking blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was so nice to." The look of fear flashed in his brain. His smile fell.

"But when we first bumped into each other she seemed so scared when she saw my face. Almost as if she feared I would hurt her..."

"There's no way she would recognize you Boom. No one will recognize us. We look so different." Mamoru coaxed

"Yet we still look so similar Brick! We've worked so hard for this. I don't want to be remembered as Boomer of the Rowdyruff's! Part of the team who got defeated by New Townsville's protectors the PowerPuff Girls!" Mitsuya replied. He looked at his brothers look of shock as he looked at his lap.

"Don't worry Boomer. After this, the three of us will be seen differently." His eldest brother cooed, pulling the blonde in to a hug. "I know we will."

Chapter One is finished. I already like this story iteration much better than the original.

Picture of Miyako above.

Thoughts? Opinions? Let me know!

- Ara-chan

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