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~ Third Person Perspective: Momoko ~

First day back. Unlike to most, the first day back after break wasn't that big of a deal for Momoko. Well usually. But this year she wanted to reinvent herself.

No more boy craziness
No more sweets obsession
No more superheroes. Except herself and herself of course. That was a job.

She pulled her hair into a ponytail, using her signature bow to fasten it. Momoko pulled on her uniform.

"Not bad." She said, fastening the buttons on her blazer. "Not bad at all."

The uniform was a white button up shirt under a blue blazer that's plaid on the inside, a pale yellow tie, a red plaid skirt, grey socks and black shoes. She grabbed her bag and ran downstairs.

She grabbed her lunch box and slipped on her shoes. "I'm heading out!" She called running out. She heard her mother wish her a good day.

"New year, new me." She told herself, a smile breaking out on her face. Much like everyone else, they'd never been to this school.

She stared up at the new school with wonder. It was huge. "Oi! Momoko!" She heard a voice call.
"Kao...ru?" She inquired, looking over at her friend. "Why are you wearing the guys uniform?" She inquired.
"It suits me better."

"Momoko-san! Kaoru-san!" A third voice called. It was Miyako. Her blond hair was pulled into twin tails and smile was wide.

"Ah! Kaoru-san, you look so cool. Almost like a prince." She commented.
"I'm surprised that you're not saying anything about her wearing the guys uniform." Momoko replied.

"I would, but she looks like a prince. Other than the hair." The blonde added. "Besides it suits her better." Kaoru smirked.

"See? Even Miyako thinks I look better in the guys uniform than the girls." Momoko went to reply, but got interrupted by the blonde pointing someone out.

"Ah! Saru-san!" She called. "I didn't know you were going here." The person that she referred to as 'Saru-san' walked over and nodded. He seemed a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah... Me and my brothers go here..." He replied, avoiding the blonde girl's gaze.
"So Miyako. Mind introducing your new friend?" Momoko inquired
"Right. This is Saru Mitsuya. I met him yesterday in the park." She said.

"Oi! Mitsu! Where'd you go?!" A voice inquired. It was different then the blonde male's soft spoken tone.
"Over here Kazuki!" They replied. Soon two males came over.

One of them had black hair that fell over his green eyes. Mischief danced in them. Next to him was a ginger with piercing red eyes that seemed analyze a person before speaking. A chill ran up Momoko's back. Kaoru also seemed uncomfortable.

"These are my brothers. Kazuki," Mitsu pointing to the green eyed male. Kazuki grinned in response. "And Mamoru." No reaction came the ginger.

Even with her uneasiness, Momoko managed to speak. "I'm Akatsutsumi Momoko. It's nice to make your acquaintance."

"Matsabura Kaoru..." Miyako opened her mouth to speak before Kaoru grabbed her and dragged the blonde off. Momoko followed in turn, giving a small smile of apology to the three males.

~ Third Person Perspective: Mamoru ~

"I know you said she was pretty but that blonde one is gorgeous." Kazuki mused. "Wouldn't mind taking her out." Mitsuya frowned.
"I don't think you're her type."
"Is little boy blue jealous~?" The blonde male's face grew with colour.

"Guys. We should head inside. Class is starting soon and we don't know our time table." Mamoru said, turned on his heel. Both brothers followed in return.

"The black haired one was a beauty to. As was the ginger." Kazuki added. "What about you Mamoru? Any catch your eye?"
"We're not here to form frivolous romances Kazuki."
"I didn't hear a no~"

Mitsuya glanced at his brother. "Something wrong Mamoru?"
"You noticed it to right? How uneasy they seemed? Other than the blonde one, they seemed, uncomfortable. Like they were waiting for us to do something."
"Your gaze makes everyone uncomfortable Mamoru." Kazuki added. "It's nothing new." The blond male nodded in response.
"Yeah. I guess that's all..."

After a couple of minutes, the three brothers found their classroom. They heard the teacher say they were getting new students before the door opened. They three brothers stepped inside, and the first thing they noticed were the three girls from that morning.

Chapter two! I hope to get the next few chapters up soon. I'm almost done school, and I know that people have been patiently waiting.
Shout out to you all!

Picture of Momoko is up above.

Thoughts? Opinions? Let me know!

- Ara-chan!

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