Chapter 1

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-Chapter 1-

"Jimin! It's time for school!" Jimin heard his mother call from outside his room as he woke up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked at the clock on his bedside table and groaned. He wished it wasn't already time to get up, he wanted to sleep! Why did school have to start so early in the day?! Jimin sighed into his pillow before pushing himself off the bed and heading towards the bathroom. He got ready for school, taking his time since he wasn't running late quite yet.

Once he was done, he glanced at himself in the full-length mirror that hung on the door to access how he looked. He was wearing a white button up shirt with an oversized light blue jacket over it and black skin-tight ripped jeans. He also had on silver cross earrings along with a few rings adorning his fingers which peaked out from the sleeves of his jacket, creating sweater paws. His dark brown hair was styled and made him look much younger than he really was. He wondered if he should wear his black thick-rimmed glasses but decided against it. He grabbed his backpack from the floor and looked at himself one last time before opening the door. He then made his way downstairs and into the kitchen where his mother was placing a plate down for his breakfast.

"Thank you, mom," Jimin said to her as he slid into his seat and began eating the pancakes she'd prepared for him. He saw he smile at him before going back to the stove to grab the other plates she'd prepared for herself, Jimin's younger brother, and Jimin's father who just walked into the kitchen.

"Where's Jihyun?" She asked Jimin's father who shrugged and then called for their youngest son. Moments later Jihyun came downstairs and also took his seat at the table. Jimin watched the conversation between his family unfold with a smile. He loved spending his morning like this. He watched the strings glisten and grow strong between them. He had learned over the years that he was the only one who could see them. These string which he'd termed 'strings of fate'. Everyone had them, and it connected them to others who would end up being important to their lives in some way.

Through years of observation, he had learned that the bright red strings that connected one heart to another represented love for a significant other, like the one that shone between his parents. However, the darker red string that connected his parent's hearts to his and Jihyun's hearts represented a different type of love. It was the type of love one felt for their children and parents. And the pink string that connected his heart to his brothers represented the love shared by siblings.

"You two better hurry or you'll be late." Jimin's father spoke up as he looked at the clock. Jimin turned to check the time as well and then began to eat at a faster rate, as did his younger brother. They finished shortly after and bid their parents farewell and headed towards the front door. Jimin pulled on a pair of white and black converse to complete his look and then opened the door. He and his brother began their ten-minute walk to school happily chatting with one another.

As they neared their school the two siblings went their separate ways as they were in different grade levels. Jimin walked into his classroom which was still relatively empty even though classes would start in five minutes. He sat down in his seat and pulled out his textbook and pens to take notes with. After that he just waited for the teacher to arrive, taking in his classmates and all the strings surrounding him.

Many of the strings between his classmates were blue which indicated friendship. However if the string was attached between their pinkies it meant a superficial friendship, one where you were comfortable with the other but had no real connection with one another. Blue strings attached between wrists indicated a deeper level of friendship, one where you trust one another with secrets and whatnot. But the deepest level of friendship was when a blue string would appear between two people's hearts. Those were the friendships that would last forever. Jimin had found that those were uncommon, most people had the blue strings attached to their wrist. In their school, only a quarter of the students had blue strings attached to their hearts.

But even more uncommon was the dark blue string between two hearts. A dark blue string meant that person was your soulmate. Well, platonic soulmate. Jimin smiled down at his own dark blue string which connected his heart with his best friend, Taehyung. The day he'd met the younger boy, he had been very surprised to see the dark blue string form between them instantly. He had actually almost cried when he saw it since he knew how uncommon it was even at that young age of eleven.

"Hey, why are you spacing out so early in the morning?" Jimin heard Taehyung ask as he took a seat next to him. Jimin looked up at the lavender haired male who was wearing a long sleeved red shirt along with dark blue jeans with holes in them. His ears were adorned with earrings, and he also wore rings on a few of his fingers, his lavender hair was parted and made him look extremely handsome.

"I was just thinking," Jimin replied with a bright smile which the later returned with a boxy grin.

"Hmm what about?" Taehyung asked curiously but Jimin shook his head indicating it was nothing.

Taehyung pulled out his books and school supplies as Jimin watched him. Taehyung was one of those rare people who had more than one blue string attached to his heart. Besides the one he shared with Jimin, Taehyung had another one that was attached to their friend Seokjin, better known as Jin, who was a senior at their school. However, the one Taehyung shared with Seokjin was only blue and not dark blue. But Jin had his own dark blue string which was attached to Yoongi, another one of their senior friends. Yoongi, in turn, had a red string attached to Taehyung, but it didn't shine which indicated the two had not confessed to each other yet.

Although blue strings dominated the majority of the world, it wasn't uncommon to see purple strings as well. Purple strings usually appeared at people's sides or shoulders. The purple strings indicated distaste. Though the distaste was only to a small degree if it was at the person's side. If it appeared at the person's shoulder it meant they rather avoid the person at all costs. There a few cases where Jimin had seen the purple string attached to someone's heart and though he had never seen the person at the end of the string he figured out pretty quickly that string was the representation of hatred. Thankfully it was rare to see purple strings on people's' hearts.

Jimin sat up straighter as the teacher walked into the classroom and asked for everyone's attention. The teacher had a lot of thin yellow strings attached to his wrists. Many teachers had these yellow strings which connected to many of their students. The yellow string symbolized respect, but not just any type of respect, it was the respect one earned from going above what was expected of them. Jimin knew for a fact to his teacher had more yellow strings than other teachers because he was much more caring than other teachers. His teacher, Mr. Yung, wanted his students to succeed and so he always looked out for them and made sure to help them in any way he could, thus earning his student's respect.

"Class we have transfer student who will be joining us today. Please welcome him." Mr. Yung said and then a black haired male walked into the classroom. He was tall and handsome. He wore a black shirt with faded denim jeans. He also had a gray jacket on but it was unzipped allowing the black shirt to be seen. There was a dark blue beanie on his head which didn't really hide his hair at all, at least not from the front. The male stopped beside the teacher's desk and bowed before introducing himself.

"Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you all." The male said and Jimin began to see the string forming between him and his classmates. This was a normal sight for him, he was constantly seeing strings form between people when they met for the first time. He saw many blue strings form from Jungkook's pinkie and connect to many students around the room. He also saw a few blue strings form on his wrist and noted that they attached themselves to two students near Taehyung. Then he watched in astonishment as a single dark blue string extended from his heart and attached itself to Taehyung. He blinked as he watched the string solidify between them and found himself smiling at the connection. Looks like Taehyung had found another platonic soulmate.

Then he noticed that there was now a white string extending from his own heart to the new students which caused him to let out a small gasp. He'd never seen this color before. And never had a color shone so bright. He wondered what this color could mean as he reached out to touch it. It was then he noticed that Jungkook was staring at him as well with an odd expression as the teacher told him to take a seat behind Jimin where the only empty desk was. As Jungkook passed by him they made eye contact and he saw the black haired male give him a small somewhat confused smile before taking his seat.

Jimin wanted to talk to the new student but the teacher had already begun the lesson and so he decided to wait. After all, he had time to figure things out. The white string was attached to his heart which could only mean whatever relationship they had would last their whole lifetime.

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