Chapter 14

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They walked to the old classroom buildings. Jimin was nervous about this whole expedition. He was still a little conflicted as he really, really didn't want to get caught and end up getting in trouble. But he was also very determined and so he pressed on following Taehyung who was leading the way, with a determined expression on his face. Hoseok was only a step behind Taehyung, looking much more nervous then Jimin felt. And Jungkook stood beside Jimin, walking at the same pace as the elder. Jimin glanced to his right to look at Jungkook's face, he noticed the other was rather emotionless, as if he didn't particularly have any thoughts about what they were doing. Jungkook noticed Jimin staring and raised an eyebrow in question. Jimin simply shook his head and gave him a small smile.

"Nervous about the possibility of getting caught hyung?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll be careful" Jungkook reassured the elder while smiling and even took a hold of Jimin's hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. Jimin smiled again and nodded feeling less nervous. Once they reached the old classroom buildings, Taehyung unlocked the door and pushed it open, making the old hinge emit a loud squeaky noise. All four males cringed upon hearing it and covered their ears. Jimin frantically looked around to see if anyone was coming, but all seemed to be quiet and peaceful for the time being.

"How did Yoongi hyung get into there without alerting anyone if the door squeaks like that?" Hoseok muttered to himself. Taehyung shrugged and walked inside without another thought. The rest following closely behind.

"So...what are we looking for exactly?" Jungkook asked as they stood near the entrance and took in the appearance of the inside of the building.

"I'm not sure. Anything I guess?" Taehyung answered shrugging and looking at the hallway in front of them.

The old classroom building had been abandoned around the time Jimin's parents were kids simply because the school needed more space for the growing number of students who were attending the school. However the school didn't have enough funds to renovate the old buildings (which were said to be lacking in fire safety) and make extensions, so they forwent renovating and just made an entirely new school nearby as they thankfully had the space to do so. And so when the new school building opened, the administrators simply locked the old building and warned students to stay away for their own safety.

The building was just a two story building that was a really small version of their current school building, except that there was a hallway near the back that lead to a small greenhouse. It was said there was about twelve classrooms in total, six on each floor, but none of the students knew if that was actually true, as most of them had never tried to explore it. Everyone knew that the building was falling apart and could collapse at any moment, so no one dared to go near them. And the faculty at their school also kept students away from it as much as possible. There were even rumors that the place was haunted, and more practical rumors that they place was monitored by security cameras.

The very few students who did try to get into the building and look around usually said the place was just run down, filled with graffiti, and boring so they hadn't bothered counting how many classrooms there were. As such no one took a particular interest in the old school buildings and left them alone. But since Jimin was already there he decided to observed his surroundings and from what he could tell there were definitely six classes on the first floor. He was surprised to see that most of them were still filled with tables and chairs but understood after looking at how old the furniture looked. In between each classroom there were rows of lockers and a few posters on the walls that didn't have lockers. The whole place was dirty and mold could even be seen in some places, along with cracks along certain walls and the floor was missing some tiles. The whole place was clearly abandoned and run down.

"Ok, let's just spread out and look around I guess?" Hoseok suggested since none of them really knew what they were looking for or what to expect.

"Yea, but maybe we should stay in pairs? That way one could be the lookout while the other looks around, you know just in case a teacher is nearby?" Jungkook suggested.

"Sure, Hobi hyung and I will search this floor, and you and Jiminie can search the top floor." Taehyung said already moving towards the first classroom.

"Alright, we'll meet each other back here in this spot." Jungkook stated and then led the way of the stairs. "Careful where you step hyung" Jungkook said noticing the broken steps and tightening his grip on Jimin's hand.

"You be careful to, hold onto the railing." Jimin said as they began walking up the stairs cautiously.

When they reached the top the two looked into each classroom. There was actually a total of five classrooms up there, Jimin soon learned. The last room wasn't a classroom as it was much larger than all the others. Plus it didn't have any intact desk or chairs; it didn't even have a chalkboard. Instead the room was filled with broken furniture and what looked to be pieces of paper strewn around the room. Jimin curiously picked up a paper to find sheet music on it. He picked up another one to find even more. As he began picking up all the pieces of paper he realized some of the papers contained lyrics and the others contained actual sheet music. He wondered what kind of song was written in those pages and whose they might have been.

"There's nothing here hyung." Jungkook said after having looked around the whole room moving piles of wood around, while Jimin had picked up the papers and neatly stacked them together.

"What are you going to do with those?" Jungkook asked as he noticed Jimin trying to organize the papers which had numbers on them.

"I don't know yet..most of them are ruined but honestly I don't think these are that old. Look at them closely, they look pretty new except for the stains and the fact that some of them were crumpled." Jimin said showing him the pages which were for the most part intact.

"I guess...but who's are they?" Jungkook asked taking the papers out of Jimin's hand.

"No idea...maybe Yoongi hyung's? Maybe he's been coming up here longer then we've known and been using it as a place to write down his music?" Jimin suggested though honestly the writing didn't look like Yoongi's.

"Maybe..let's take them with us then." Jungkook said and then began walking out of the room with Jimin following close behind. They met with Taehyung and Hoseok downstairs.

"Did you two find anything?" Jimin asked.

"No." Hoseok answered and Taehyung just nodded in agreement looking upset.

"What about you?" Taehyung asked.

"Just some music sheets and lyrics...I thought they might be Yoongi hyung's but the writing doesn't really look like his.. But the sheets still look pretty new." Jimin answered.

"Let me see" Taehyung said holding out his hand. Jungkook handed him the papers and Taehyung looked over them quickly and nodded.

" doesn't look like Yoongi hyung's...but maybe he was with the person who wrote them?" Taehyung speculated.

"Maybe..." Jungkook said but he sounded doubtful.

"Well, I guess this wasn't very helpful." Hoseok stated sighing. Jimin shrugged and Jungkook nodded while Taehyung remained silent as he handed the papers back to Jimin.

"Let's go home I guess." Taehyung said and the others agreed. They left the old school building and locked it behind them. Then they made their way to their respective houses. While they were walking home, Taehyung had been particularly quiet which was sort of unusual and it made Jimin suspicious but he didn't say anything to the other deciding to worry if the younger persisted to be quiet tomorrow.

"Jimin hyung, do you want to hang out?" Jungkook asked after Taehyung had disappeared into his house.

"Sure. Your house or mine?" Jimin asked.

"Mine, you haven't been there yet and I've already been to your place three times." Jungkook replied.

"Alright, let's go." Jimin said smiling.

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