Chapter 27

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Jimin woke up at seven-thirty the next morning thanks to his alarm. He yawned as he sat up and stretched. He wondered why he was up so early when it wasn't a school day and then remembered he was going to the amusement park with Jungkook. Remembering that caused him to energetically get out of bed and head towards his bathroom to brush his teeth and change.

It took him approximately twenty minutes to finish his morning routine. As he went downstairs he debated whether or not to eat breakfast. He had ten minutes, but he didn't want to make any noises in the kitchen and end up waking his parents. So he forwent breakfast, deciding he'd get something at the amusement park. Slipping on his shoes, Jimin opened the front door and stepped outside. He closed and locked it behind him and then starts the short journey to Jungkook's house. He rang the doorbell and a few seconds later it opened and Junghyun stood in front of him.

"Oh, hey, there, Jimin-ah. Good morning," Junghyun greeted with a smile.

"Morning!" Jimin responded with a smile of his own.

"You're here for the date with Kookie I take it?"

"Did he call it a date?"

"Not really, but just between you and me, I think he's sweet on you," Junghyun answered with a wink and Jimin laughed shaking his head.

"I think you're mistaken. We're just friends," Jimin assured the other.

"For now~," Junghyun said in a sing-songy voice as he ushered Jimin inside. "Have you had breakfast?"

"Uh, no, but I thought I'd just eat something at the amusement park," Jimin responded.

"No, no, that won't do! Join us for breakfast, then. Jungkook's about done but he'll wait for you no doubt," Junghyun said as he lead Jimin into the kitchen.

"Kookie! Jimin's here!" Junghyun shouted as they entered the kitchen.

"Hi hyung!" Jungkook said as he turned to face Jimin. Jimin smiled at him and waved.

"Hi, Jimin-ah, it's nice to see you again," Jungkook's mom, Mrs. Jeon, said from beside Jungkook.

"Nice to see you again too ma'am," Jimin responded as Junghyun pulled out a chair and motioned for Jimin to take a seat which he did.

"Mom, Jimin hasn't eaten yet," Junghyun informed his mom.

"Ah, then you should eat. We have plenty of pancakes as you can see. Here let me grab you a plate," Mrs. Jeon said as she rose from her seat to get Jimin a plate.

"Thank you," Jimin said politely when she returned and gave him a plate.

"You're welcome. You two take your time to eat, and Jungkook don't worry about the plates; your brother will take care of them. I'll be in the living room when you're ready," Mrs. Jeon told them as she excused herself to the living room ignoring Junghyun's protest about doing the dishes.

"You're lucky you have a date or I'd make you do the dishes anyway," Junghyun said petulantly at Jungkook as he began eating again. Jungkook giggled, thanking his brother whilst also denying their outing as a date. Jimin giggled as the two brothers continued to bicker over things. As soon as Jimin finished eating, Jungkook grabbed a hold of his hand and pulled him along towards the living room to call his mom.

"You two excited?" Mrs. Jeon asked as they got settled in the car.

"I know I am since I love amusement parks," Jimin said smiling excitedly.

"I am too. It's been a while since I last went there," Jungkook said and his mom nodded saying the last time they'd gone was probably three years ago.

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