Chapter 13

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Color Code:

Bright Red= love for a significant other (it shines when they officially get together in some way whether it be dating or marriage)

Dark Red= love between children and parents

Pink= love shared by siblings

Blue= Friendship (pinkies=superficial; wrist=meaningful; heart's= deepest level of friendship)

Dark Blue= Platonic soulmate

Purple= distaste (side=slight; shoulder=avoid as much as possible; heart=hate)

Yellow= Respect that is earned for going above and beyond what one expected from you

White= unknown

Green= unknown (but is related to intelligence in some way)

Orange= unknown

Gray= a relationship that is broken beyond repair

Texture Code:

Hot: extreme anger

Cold: Sadness

The next day Jimin went to school since he was completely better. He didn't want to miss any more school and have his missing work pile up. At school, he hung out with Taehyung and Jungkook as usual. He saw the others at lunch, all except Yoongi. Yoongi had actually not come to school at all. Jimin worried as did the others, but there was nothing they could do at the moment.

Even though Jimin had only been gone from school for two days, apparently quite a few things had changed within their friend group. For one, Jin and Namjoon were having a fight. What it was over, no one knew. Taehyung had bugged Jin for a while to try and figure it out but had gotten no answer. Secondly, Hoseok and Taehyung had gotten much closer. With Yoongi avoiding them all, it seemed Taehyung was opening up to Hoseok much more. Third, Hoseok and Namjoon had also become closer and Jimin had his suspicions this might be the cause of Namjoon and Jin's fight though both denied it. Fourth, Jimin noticed that the pink glow that had been emitting from the string connecting him to Jungkook was gone. It was back to being pure white, and Jimin wasn't even sure when the glow had stopped. Lastly, Jungkook and Hoseok had officially joined the dance club and from the rumors, he was hearing, they were good. The last piece of news had Jimin excited, he looked forward to seeing them dance after school since they had club activities today.

The school day seemed to go by slowly but that was probably because Jimin was eager to go to, dance club today. When the bell finally rung indicating it was the end of the school day, he grabbed Jungkook's hand as soon as the other finished gathering his things and raced towards the school's dance studio.

"Slow down hyung, what's the rush for?" Jungkook asked laughing, though he already knew why the elder was rushing.

"Everyone has been telling me about you and Hoseok hyung's dance skills, now I wanna see them for myself!" Jimin replied as they made it to the dance studio.

Jungkook was amused by Jimin's eagerness and couldn't help the smile on his face. The two went to the locker room and changed into clothing they'd be comfortable dancing in. When they came out a few students were already in the room. Jimin spotted Hoseok among them and called the eldest over.

"Hey Jiminie, ready to see us dance?" Hoseok asked with a teasing smile as amused as Jungkook was by how excited Jimin was. Jimin nodded looking at the two males expectantly. Hoseok went first and then Jungkook. Both had different styles but Jimin was quite impressed with both of their skills. It was clear that Jungkook was a little out of practice, but he was still amazing. As for Hoseok, he seemed like a person who'd been born to dance. They were both very talented and Jimin almost felt threatened by how good they were. He praised their skills and demonstrated his own skills for them when asked.

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