Chapter 11

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*Akii Note: I have decided to do something with these notes. Should I make a key for the things you guys don't know? Oh and I'm gonna be Akii for the beginning notes and ending notes I'm Ryuu! OK so on wards to the story!*

Your Beautiful POV

Kofuku kept on asking me how I made Daikoku into a weapon without making him into a Nora or giving him a name. I kept telling her it was a secret. You wanna know the secret? The secret is that you don't know either!

*Akii: Goddamnit stop breaking the fourth wall! That part will come later on in the story!*

"So (N/N) is there anything else that you have to tell me? Any powers that I should know about?" Kofuku yawned. "I'm not sure you can handle it." I yawned. I continued, "I can search for other Regalias and I have levitation magic." I said before I dozed off.

*time skip to the morning*

I yawned and started rubbing my eyes. I waiting for Kazuma to say "Good Mornimg" or "How did you sleep" but I didn't hear it. I then realized I wasn't in my house. I then got up to see Kofuku still asleep.

I shook her trying to wake her up but she didn't wake up. I looked at my phone and saw that it was Monday and 7:57am.

'Oh shit! I need to get ready quick! But I don't like the uniform I'll just change it a little!' I changed my clothes and ran out of Kofuku's and mine house.

"Why am I running when I can just teleport to the school!" I shouted at no one. "Doesn't matter right now just keep running!" I shouted again.

Narrative POV

While our lovely heroine was running for school when her dumbass could teleport. But you know whatever. But when she was running she didn't notice that a phantom was flying about in the school. "Why do I have to do this early in the morning!" (Y/N) screamed.

She was really pissed and didn't have time for this.

"Regalia Search: There are 2 Regalias near by.

Regalia types:

Bow: Ginduyu

Katana: Yuki

Please choose your regalia!"

*sorry that I'm ruining your reading time but it doesn't matter which weapon you pick just one*


*If you chose Bow please read this*

"Duyu!" I called out. I looked at my hand and saw a bow in it. "OK let's get this over with I need to go to school!"

I jumped up on the roofs of buildings and started chanting the words to make this phantom dissapear out of my sights.

"This is The Land of the Rising Sun! Your desecration shall not be allowed! Hear I am the god (Y/N)! I now lay thee waste with the Duyu, and expel thy vast defilement! I cleanse thee -- REND!"

I said that then moved my hand over the bow I mean Ginduyu. I jump off one the buildings and back flipped. I was now sideways and I shot the arrow that was made if light.

"Die son of a bitch." I whisper as I landed. The phantom then exploded into a bunch of magic circles. I then let Ginduyu go and thanked her.

After that I bolted off to school.

*If you chose Katana please read this*

"Ki!" I called out! I looked at my hand and grad Ki tighter. I started jumping building from building and in mid air I started chanting another Rend.

"This is The Land of the Rising Sun! Your desecration shall not be allowed! Hear I am the god (Y/N)! I now lay thee waste with the Ki, and expel thy vast defilement! I cleanse thee -- REND!"

I said then moved my hand the katana I mean Yuki. I was going straight down and cut through the phantom. "I didn't have time for this today." I said to no one in particular. The phantom then blow up into a bunch of magic circles.

I thanked Yuki and let her go.

*Read this when you get down reading your part!*

After I got down defeating the phantom I started running back to school but faster.

But when I got there I saw students still walking and chatting in the school's front yard.

I feel down in defeat and I felt like crying.

Narrative POV

While the lovely (Y/N) was on the ground about to cry people were looking at her weird. But one person came up to her.

"Hey are you OK? Are you sick?" Someone with a harmonic voice said. (Y/N) then looked up to see a girl that had brown hair and bright pink eyes.

*Ryuu Note: Woo! That took forever to write and I wrote it in one day! So I hope you enjoyed it! Vote Comment and stuff! Baiiii ❤*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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