Part One

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I decided to split this oneshot up into a few parts :)



Harry can't help but smile as his favourite student promptly walks into his classroom, a bright, innocent smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr Styles." The small boy beams as he takes his place in the front row of the classroom, pushing his glasses up seeing as they had fallen down his adorable button nose.

"Hello, Louis. How are you today?" Mr Styles, also known as Louis' Maths B, C and English teacher asks

"I'm splendid thanks, Sir. And you?" Louis glows, staring straight ahead at Harry whose desk is directly in front of the small boy.

"Tired; was up late marking assignments," Harry replies, sitting down at his desk. He takes note of the time; there are a few minutes until the bell for start of class rings. Soon enough Louis' classmates will be here.

"Did you mark my math C assignment?" Louis asks bright eyes at the prospect of finding out his grade.

Harry chuckles at the five foot over enthusiastic nerdy boy.

"I did, it certainly took me a long time to mark Lou. You always add lots of information." The teacher felt relaxed talking to Louis; he had been his teacher for five years now seeing; the small boy was in his senior year. Never once had the caramel haired boy received a grade lower than an A-.

Harry watched as Louis' face contoured into a worried expression. "Is that a bad thing Mr Styles?"

"No no Louis, don't worry; that is excellent. You just need to be careful of the word limit." Harry watched as the small boy gasped quickly picking up a pencil and jotting down what his teacher had just said for future reference. He was the type of student to enjoy making goals; he was into all that self-improvement.

"I will next time Sir." Louis looked back up at his teacher smiling when the bell went, and students began flocking in.

"Ew look faggot boy is already here." Yelled one of the jocks as he came in with his fellow jock followers following close behind, a chorus of laughter was heard after his declaration.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Shut it, Matthew; I think you owe Louis and apology." Mr Styles spoke with authority; sadly he received anything but submission.

"Yeah, sorry faggot boy." Another chorus of laughter was heard around the room. Harry looked back at Louis, noticing how the small boy hung his head in embarrassment. The teacher sighed sadly because this was probably the nicest thing that would happen to Louis all day from his fellow students.


"Drink whore." Louis squeaked as a paper cup was pushed in front of him. The small boy was sitting at his usual table in the cafeteria, alone as per usual when a group of his bullies decided to approach him. Louis gulped as he looked inside the cup; it certainly didn't hold water. It looked more like, milk, maybe some hot sauce, with crushed up biscuits... ew was that cum?

Louis gagged merely at the look of the contents.

"Umm, no-no thank-thank you." The small boy stuttered as he stood up, only for one of the jocks to grasp his shoulders, forcefully pushing him back into a seated position. Louis grunted at the force the jock was applying to his small frame.

"Stop," Louis whined as his head was tilted back; an audience had now gathered to watch the event play out.


Louis could hear their chants. They were no better than the bullies. Before he knew it, Matthew, one of his bullies was shoving the cup of who knows what down his throat. The small boy pulled away, falling onto his hands and knees on the floor as he coughed up the contents that had just been forced into him.

Definitely cum.

Louis gagged, tears coming to his eyes as he used his shirt to wipe his tongue.... he hated being bullied, but the worst part was, he was used to it.

Luckily a very familiar deep voice interrupted the giggles of the cheerleaders mocking him and roars of the jocks patting each other on the back in success.

"What is going on here."

Nobody answered Mr Styles, but the cafeteria went quiet. Louis took that as his chance to run, run to the bathroom. He was going to be sick. Just as he thought, he vomited into the toilet not a second after he made it there... it was anything but a pleasant sight.


"Louis?" Mr Styles spoke softly. The latter had just sent the jocks bullying Louis to the principal's office. He honestly wasn't shocked to find the small boy in his regular seat, in the front row of the class, books ready to begin the lesson.

He was always early to class; even after being treated like crap.

"Hi..." Louis spoke equally as soft as his teacher, he kept his head down from embarrassment, but from his peripheral vision, he could see his teacher sit at the desk next to him.

Harry sighed, placing his hand on Louis' smaller one.

"Louis, look at me... it's okay really. None of that was your fault - you should not be embarrassed."

The small boy nodded absentmindedly, more interested in the large hand placed over his own; he was sad when the teacher retracted it.

"Would you like to eat lunch with me from now on? I usually just eat in here?" Harry offered.

The small boy looked up at Mr Styles; it was almost sad that his teacher felt so sympathetic for him that he was making such an offer. Yet, Louis couldn't be more grateful. So with a small nod he replied;

"I would love too..."

For once, Louis felt like he had a friend. Sadly for Louis, he only had one real friend, and they didn't attend his school; in fact, they didn't go to school at all. His name was Zayn Malik; compared to Louis' 18-year old-self Zayn was much older... in fact 16 years older. Zayn was 34, old enough to be Louis' dad... But the two had kicked off their friendship splendidly a year ago when Louis was searching for employment.

Zayn was like his older protective brother.. and he loved his best friend.

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