I don't know anymore

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Everyone has that person who you would do anything for.  The one person who understands the way you act.  The one person you can always go to.  And sometimes they are your lover, sometimes they are your best friend.  Sometimes they are both. 

This person you talk to a lot.  Constantly laughing and smiling, having the time of your life.  You can't imagine life without them there laughing along side you.  You tell them all your deepest secrets, aren't afraid to call them out when something is going on, you understand them completely. And then something happens.

Life starts to pop up. Throws a million things at you when you finally think you've got life figured out.  And you fall down again. And the friendship or relationship takes another bullet to the chest.  Sometimes the bullet is saved by a bullet proof vest, but sometimes it isn't. 

Things happen, you talk less, things are awkward and weird. Opening up feels hard.  Life sucks, because it takes a gun and can ruin something great.

And I'll admit, I let life mess me the fuck up. I let it bring me to a point where I didn't even want to get out of bed anymore.  And it took a pair of scissors and cut the links of the relationship I had with them.  I admit I did let them go, but can you blame me?

I wasn't perfect, neither were they.  I didn't answer texts all the time and was bad for answering.  I used to put her first, but then life happened.  Shoved its presence in my face and gave me the biggest fuck you of my life.  And I can complain all I want, but nothing changed what happened, unless I start stepping up.  But I don't know how anymore. 

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