Scary truth

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It's scary to be left alone with your thoughts for some people. For some of us, it's because our mind is just insane and wonders why snow is white if water is clear? For others, their mind thinks of all the possible ways you could die, from where you are right now.

It's scary to think that the shirt you are wearing right now, if you rip off a long strip and tie it around your neck, or pull the collar tight around your throat could kill you right there and then. It's scary to think that the sweater your wearing could suffocate you if you press it to your face for a long time. It's scary to think that if you set something on fire, you could die.

Those are all very possibly things someone could think about at any time, but what's scariest, is when they are alone, no one around to stop them. No one wipes their tears away and tells them it will all be ok, no one tells them they matter, no one tells them life is worth it. So they follow through with their act.

When someone texts you, saying they need someone, don't ignore it. Put it first. You don't know if they will take their own life if you don't. I don't care if they killed your damn mother. Being alone with your thoughts knowing no one cares enough to save you, is terrifying. Once you get into this mindset, it's hard to get out, and before you know it, you let go of all the reasons you had to change that mindset, and before you know it, you only end up back where you started again.

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