New home

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Edited 8/4/20

Leah POV

The sound of a whistle filled the air. We were all standing at the train station, waiting for our train. Today, the five of us were leaving London for our safety.

We will be taking up temporary residence in the country manor of an old man known as Professor Kirke. everywhere was filled with a family saying goodbye to their love once they all had the same expression on there face: loss, sadness, anger

I could feel everyone emotions travelling to me and I didn't know how to handle them all I wanted to do was sleep and not wake up.

I could see army soldiers walking around none of them stud out I could see Peter and Edmund wear tried to see if dad was there but he won't be he never is. mum was talking to lucy as she attached her badge wiping the tears as she moved to Susan I pulled Lucy closer to me hoping she be okay.


oh no


even threw the notice the sound of a cat was very clear I noticed an elder coupler looking are way  "silentium" I wisped, as my eyes turned gold and the sound of the kitten began out to a person's ears.

your probably wondering what I just did?

well, I have magic. surprised? no okay well iv had magic since I was born and no Susan doesn't have magic.

the only one who knows is well mum she wanted me to keep it a secret from not just the word but my family she says is 'normal' but I could see she was freaked out about who I was all I ever wanted is to tell me who I was and why im born with this...

"Promise me you'll take care of the others." I heard her mum whisper to peter making me snap out of my thoughts seeing her hug him close to her as possible made me feel more depressed as before because the second she looked me she when straight to Susan like I didn't matter to her or the fact it might be the last time we see each other again was I relay that much of a disappointment to her that she doesn't care.

"Off you go." She addressed the rest of us as she whispered to Susan I didn't have to guts to listen in I couldn't.

helping with the lugging as I took Lucy's hand as we made our way inside the train but got stop by  The inspector who kept asking for the tickets of peter but him and Edmund were to busy auguring making me and Susan roll are eyes.

I gently pulled them out of Peter's hand and gave them to her. She looked at them and nodded. "Alright, you may pass through." She told us, and Susan and I both smiled at her, and I thanked her. I was walking behind Susan and Edmund with lu still grasping hold of my hand until we stop by the window

We saw our mom standing there with tears in her eyes. When she saw them she started waving making us to the same


gasping in shock hearing my name being called again I knew that voice but how it's been years since I've last heard that voice but why now why so suddenly?


looking up seeing Susan concern gaze making me send her a forced smile hoping she wouldn't question me. we found a seat across from two young children. A girl and a boy.

The girl looked around Lucy's age, while the boy looked a year or two younger. I smiled warmly at them. "Is this seat taken?" I asked them politely. They shyly shook their heads, and I smiled at them once again. Peter put all of our luggage away. Except Edmund's. He put his luggage away on his own. Then, Lucy, Edmund and Susan sat down, whilst Peter and I settled for standing.

. . .

The train finally stopped on the station. it took some time but the kids who were sitting next to us there stop had finally arrived allowing them to get off but what shocked me the most was the man and the woman didn't give them a glance before pushing them making me frown was that what the professor treat us like I mean we just some kids.

. . .


the train stopped on the station that we were supposed to get out on. We grabbed our coats, bags, and stepped out of the train. When the train rode away, we all looked around, only to see an empty road and open fields.

We heard a car approaching, so we quickly ran down the station steps, but it just passed next to us. "The Professor knew we were coming," Susan asked making me frown it is the right day right?

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labelled," Edmund said looking at his address card, but then we heard a horse galloping our way.

That's when we saw a horse pulling a cart, where a very strict-looking woman. We all looked at each other, confused when she stopped in front of us. "Mrs Macready?" I asked her looking at her unsure I hated talking to people what if I said something wrong or my magic acted up allowing me to be exposed or...

so many thoughts were still in my head and I've only said 2 words how am I going to cope living there "I'm afraid so." She said, and we all looked at each other again. "Is that it? You haven't brought anyone else?" She asked looking at the luggage making me feel even worse  "No ma'am. It's just us." Peter looked at her before glancing at us as Lucy nodded. "Small favours." She said as gestured towards the cart. It looked like an invitation to get on, so that's what we did.

We rode through many beautiful, open, green fields before we saw a beautiful manor from behind the trees. all I could do was stearin shock seeing the size of the house or should I say mansion.

Mrs Macready stoping the court allowing us to get off still staring at shock at the house "The professor is unaccustomed to having children in this house." Mrs Macready leading us through the hallway. "And as such there are a few rules we need to follow." She expressed as she started walking up the stairs. "There will be no shouting." She said so sharply making Susan jumped.

"Or running. No improper use of the dumbwaiter."


jumping in shock as the loud response made me glance to see her looking at Susan, and her face looked almost got like seeing as she was about to touch a statue making me blink I space out for 2 seconds.

"touching of the historical artefacts."

"And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the professor." She looked punted at the 5 of us making us roll our eyes making her huff but we understood we all slowly nodded, and she led us further into the house. She then showed us to our rooms, and we started unpacking. Peter and Susan unpacked their own stuff, and I helped unpack Edmund's and Lucy's. Then I unpacked mine, and then we all went downstairs for dinner.

. . .

Susan, Peter, and I all came to Lucy's room trying to see how she's settling down. It turned out that she had a problem with sleeping and was looking out the window, so I picked her up and gently laid her down on her bed. I knew it was hard for her, so I tucked her in allowing her to cuddle closer to me.

I could feel Lucy becoming more restless making me look back a Susan making her shake her head before walking over to the radio turning it off making Peter glare making Susan glanced at lucy making him sigh."Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon." he smiled making her cover more as I used my hand to comb threw her hair calming her down.

I could already feel her grip become lighter as not a second later she fell asleep making me breathe a sigh of relief So I just kissed his forehead, before getting up cupful not to wake her before saying good night to peter and Susan and closed the door quietly. I want to my room and got in bed. I then said: "Garjzla letta", and all the lights turned off, allowing me to fall asleep.

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