The Past is in the Past (Ame's P.O.V)

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“Enough is enough Mae!” Fuuto seem too amused of me getting mad at Mae. Huh, so that’s my Masaomi said that he was a little punk. Mae looked surprised but I can’t sit back and just watch her do this to herself. She knows she has a problem and that she shouldn’t be drinking at all in the first place. “Why don’t you start minding your own damn business!? Maybe THAT’S WHY YOUR PARENTS ABUSED YOU SO MUCH! YOU WERE BEING AN ASS!!” How could she say such a thing…? I couldn’t stop the tears from falling down my cheek. “Mae, you know you have a problem so why won’t you let me help you? Why would you say what I made you swore not to tell a soul? I know the real Mae that became my foster sister, the one that I use to play hopscotch with in grade school. So why won’t you let her out? I miss her.” With those same words I walked away.

                All the memories started flooding back, good and bad. I had to get out of here. The tears where now violently running down, staining my face. The park! No one was there at this time so I went back to the park. I made it to a tree farthest from society. I couldn’t help but collapse. It is now hard to imagine that this was the same park I was just having so much fun in less than two hours ago and now gasping for air as I drown in my own tears. I felt the world spin as I tried to pick my self of the wet, dewy grass. I grab a hold of the big cherry blossom tree and try to look ahead. There was a figure? Someone was running over here but whom? I just want to be left alone. How can someone look at me like this?

“AME!” I looked up half not believing that what I just heard. Why would anyone care to look for me? It was Masaomi, but of all people why him!? I don’t care how much pain I’m in, I do not want him to see me like this. I fell back down to the ground covering my puff, red face. Soon, I felt arms wrap around me. I try to resist at first but I couldn’t fight back the warmth and the happiness that I felt inside. I buried my face I his chest as we lye there. After a while he deiced to ask the question I feared anyone would ever ask me. “What happened with you and your birth parents?”

It felt like a ton of bricks had just fallen from the sky and buried me. The pain came back but now I cant run or hid. I had to tell him. “I became a foster child when I was fourteen but before that… I lived with my real parents. They use to fight a lot and would usually take their anger out on me. They told me that they blamed me for ruing their marriage” I tried to smile a little to ease the awkwardness. “My mother was an alcoholic so I had to take care of most things around the house but she would always call me worthless and a waste of space. I didn’t mind. I liked cleaning and pretending to my a mom that I was a  house wife but when my father came every night, my mother would take credit for my work and tell my father I never did anything or sometimes she would tell him that I did something bad so they would both hit me every night. I was never really popular in school either but one day the teacher noticed my bruises and sent me to the guidance counselor. I didn’t want to be taken away from my parents so I told them that I did it to myself. From there I was taken to a mental hospital for two months. I looked forward every weekend for my parents to come visit me like everyone else’s, but they never came. When I was released from that wretched place I promised myself to be strong and to never let anything get to me. A year passed and it was my fourteenth birthday but they didn’t remember, instead they beat me. They told me I was worthless and my mother tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. I was able to move away in time so I wouldn’t get stabbed in an important organ but the scars remained on my rib cage and I ran for help. I did not want to die like that.” I was crying but I had to take a deep breath and continue. I had to get this of my chest. “I ran into the streets where a police car was driving by and he saw me on the side of the road. That’s where I drew my line and I wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible. I told him that my parent had died in a car accident years ago and I had just gotten stabbed by a random boy on the streets. He took me to the hospital again and after I got out I went straight to my first foster house where I met Me-Anne and Mae. They were of course younger than me but we instantly became best friend and promised each other that we would remain sisters forever.”

Masaomi was in tears too his eyes glisten under the moon and stars. He looked so perfect. I felt our faces get closer and closer. A cherry blossom fell right in between us unto our interlocked hands. My gosh were we holding hands the entire time?! I just smiled lightly and turned my head away. I don’t want to rush into things.

 “Ame?” Masaomi voice sounded like he was choking back tears.


“I.. um… do you want to go for a walk? I’ll call the other and tell them you’re okay.”


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