Am I Dead! (Mea p.o.v.)

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I started of drinking to much,and I felt like crap, But I swear I feel better now. All I know is that I'm still in the hospital,and that Ame is pissed at me,so I think I'll stay in the here for a little while more! The thing is, I'm not sure if I'm awake! I feel awake but I might not be.

It's crazy to think about it but I don't know. All I remember was being in the park and now I'm in the here.

Should I pinch myself to make sure I'm awake? Im so confused. Everything was kind of blurry and weird. I keep trying to think but it's like my mind won't function right. I Got up and headed Towards the hall way but when I turned to look at the bed, my body was still there! Could I be dreaming or am I in one of those 'out of body dream', isn't it called a lusa dream?

I might as well keep walking. I went to the waiting room to find Me'Anne in between Tsubaki and Azusa, she looked akward!

I saw that Fuuto, Louis, Yusuki, Ema, Natasume, and Subaru as well. No one seemed to notice me. I guess I am dreaming, but its weid because Fuuto glanced a couple of times were I was standing. After I left the waiting room I went to the cafe and saw Masaomi with his arm around Ame while Iori talked to her. Was something going on with Masaomi and Ame? I can't put my finger on it (literally) but she acts happier, yet nervous around Masaomi! I guess Ukyo,Kaname and Hikaru stayed at home with Aem and Wataru because they were no where to be found!

I wanted to talk to them,tell them I'm okay,tell them not to worry,I don't even know why there worrying. I could swear none of them will ever like me now because of what I said to Ame. What I'm wondering is... why Fuuto is here? I honestly blame him for everything, but hes really cute and I know Ame would never believe me if I blame him. Mainly because I was the drunk one!

One moment I'm walking in the hospital, the next moment the halls turn into a beautiful garden with lots of flowers and an amazing view of a wonderful waterfall and what kind of looks like a resort by the enormous river. As I walked, the wind blew in my face witch made my hair flow in the wind ( I probably looked amazing even though I was super pale from the medication) I looked down and I wasn't in a hospital gown but a beautiful red dress. As I walked I saw a figure standing right in front of the waterfall. As I got closer I noticed it was a male with short, light brown hain with thee left side pinned down, I got even more closer and he turned and looked straight at me. It was Fuuto! I was so shocked I gasped, he mumbled some words that I couldn't make them out,then... BAM I was back in the hospital in the crapy gown again!

I wonder what he said because it brought me back to this place! Anyways , I decided I had a little to much for the day so I think I'll just walk back to my room and try to figure out how to get back in my body! I layed down and then all of a sudden I feel my eyelashes batting on my face, I woke up. Me'Anne screamed because I poped up from the bed and shocked her. Ame came over to my bed and hugged me. It felt nice to be in her arms. I've always seen her as a mother figure.

After a while the doctor came in and told me that I was doing much better and I will be able to go home first thing tomorrow morning. Ame was glad to hear the news. After a while the family took it little by little and kept checking on me to make sure I was okay. Ame kind of dozed off and fell asleep on the coach next to Me'Anne. Masaomi asked if it was okay if he took the girls home and I told him please (mainly because Me'Anne is no morning person and snores so loud she woke up Obama back in the United States!) Ema was the one who stayed in my room all night with me. She was pretty nice.. i guess. I just didn't want her to notice that much!

The boys said they will come back In the morning so I was alone with Ema in the room, I didn't mind talking to her though.We were talking about the brothers so I learned so much about them but what made me cry a little was Iori's story... Iori had a girlfriend which he fell in love with, but she died in a car accident and since then Iori's heart has been kind of empty and he wanted to commit suicide to be with her in the other world! I felt like I've been stabbed when she explained to me what happened to Iori.After a long talk I got sleepy and she did to so I moved to the side a little so Ema could sleep on the hospital bed with me. We told each other good night and with that we were fast asleep.

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