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Waking up, I again find myself on the couch. In the dark. Glancing at the clock, I am stunned to see it's 6:00 in the morning. I never wake up this early, and I’m appalled at my productivity. Hope is curled up on my chest, tiny stomach rising and falling slightly as she sleeps. Her face is peaceful, and I D’aww at it. In sleep it holds a childlike happiness I never seem to see when she’s awake.

She lets out a tiny yawn.

“Mornin’ princess,” I say softly. “Sleep well?”

Hope raises her sleepy, blurry eyes to my sockets. Yawning again, she nods, stretching like a cat. Then I place my hand down, and she blunders onto it, tripping over her feet.

“You still sleepy kiddo? You look bone tired.”

She nods again, curling up in my hand.

“Saaaaaans it’s too early to wake up. Why aren’t you procrastinating?!”

I open my mouth, ready to come back with a witty pun, but find that I… Can’t. She’s left me tongue tied. Or rather, teeth tied.

“Guess you're right, princess. I should be bone tired.”

She snickers, then pauses.

“Wait. Princess? What kind of nickname is that?”

I smile.

“Welp, you're not a neko, so that rules out kitten. Pappy is baby-bones. Potato is too mainstream. Buttercup is used widely in fanfictions written by authors who've heard of Frisk and think her and I are cute together. And plus, you just seem like a princess. Sweet, innocent. Needs to be protected.”

Hope pauses.


I nod, tuning out her furious ranting. She looks like an angry squirrel, chest puffed up and tiny voice going on and on.

I smile.

“Whatever you say, PRINCESS.”

Growling furiously, she stalks off my hand, diving to the bed in her room.


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