01 || Nothing.

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(I recommend listening to the playlist "Inspired By Rex Orange County" whilst reading this book for a better effect. It's what I've listened to whilst creating the second half of this book but I listened to it whilst editing also, it fits the writing and story very well. Have fun reading!)
(Your POV)

You laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling of your bedroom. All you could hear was the ticking of your alarm clock on your bed stand. You tried closing your eyes but to no avail, you couldn't fall back asleep.

You had woken up abruptly with no explanation as to why this had happened. You continued to try and fall back asleep but your body didn't seem to want to cooperate with yourself. You opened your eyes and looked at your alarm clock. The clock showed that it was two in the morning.

Groaning, you sat up and grabbed your phone from the night stand. You turned it on and then typed in your pass code, unlocking it. The phone's light lit up your dark room and you then snatched your earphones from your stand, plugging them into your phone, then putting the earbuds inside your ears. You opened a tab on your phone typed in the URL for the website 'Kissanime' and allowed it to load. Then went and searched the anime 'Haikyuu!!' and clicked for the first season.

"Haikyuu!!" was your favorite anime, as you had watched it multiple times straight through. You had binged all the seasons that were currently out, and you were keeping up with the manga. But since you couldn't fall asleep, you decided that you would watch it over again. You pressed on to the first episode and clicked play, letting yourself become entranced with the anime.


You had lost track of time by now, just lounging in the comfort of your bed, losing yourself in the show.

Just how many episodes did I watch? I have no idea...

You looked up from your phone and glanced at your alarm clock.

"Six-fifty A.M...? God-dammit."

You had to get up in ten minutes. So you slowly set down your phone and raised from the bed, shuffling to your dresser that had a mirror.

Slowly, you ran your hand across your face and under your eyes.

The bags that you packed under your eyes were terrible. As for your eyes themselves, well they were as lifeless as an abiotic object.

You let your hand drop to your side once again, walking to your bathroom to go brush your teeth and to start to get ready for the day.


You ran out of your house, waving goodbye to your parents as you slung your bag over your shoulder. It was a nice day out, sad to say that you had gotten no sleep so it wasn't that pleasant for you. The birds chirped in the sky and the wind blew a nice breeze. You almost tripped in the process of running because you had not been paying attention to your surroundings and had zoned out.

I wish this was like in an anime were I didn't have to worry that much, but this is the real world... Why can't I just live in the "Haikyuu!!" world instead? Life would be so much easier...

You ran into school and quickly went to your locker, grabbing everything you needed, then headed to class. Waltzing into the room, you sat down in your desk, next to your friend Alex. You both talked for a little while until your teacher walked into the room and started the class.

You proceed to zone in and out of the lecture that he was giving to the class, which is what happened for the rest day until lunch.

You walked out of class with your friend Alex, you were heading to the roof to eat lunch. This was your usual spot that you both would eat in, due to the fact that the view was nice and the aura. You both sat down and started to eat lunch with each other, enjoying one another's company.

Eventually you both had finished eating and you just started to have a conversation. "Says the one who tried to do a handstand in their room and fell into their lamp and broke it. Then proceeded to tell their parents that their dog had done it." You replied to Alex, giggling in the process.

She had commented on how you lacked flexibility and that she could do so much better, even though you knew she was clearly joking. But you were best friends so why wouldn't these types of conversations happen? Teasing each other was a normal thing in your friendship, it wasn't because you actually intended to offend one another.

"Hey! No fair, that was uncalled for! My neck hurt that day!" She replied defensively and you laughed harder.

"Oh sure. Did your ego hurt too?" You replied in a sly tone and she went to grab something in her bag to hit you with. Seeing what was about to happen to you, you quickly shot up and started to run away whilst still laughing extremely hard.

But then something happened.

You hadn't paying attention to your surroundings, as per usual, and caught your foot on a tile that was raised slightly higher than the others. This caused you to trip and take a tumble. You had been near the edge of the roof and your body swung harshly into a pole at the railing of the roof.

"Jesus Christ, (Y/N)!" Alex screamed in an attempt to make a panicked cry for help.

That was the last thing you heard before the world turned dark and faded away. Including her voice, it all just... Faded from you. Leaving you in a pitch black, cold, dark vision of...


Was this, the end?

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