16 || To Try And Comprehend

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(Your POV)

     Without even realizing it, you had gotten what you had wanted from the boy when you first saw him. You had a conversation with him that went past what you had expected. He had walked you to your house, being the first out of the characters that hadn't made a comment on the size of it.

     You stopped in front of him, causing him to stop, almost running into your back.

     "Is this your house?"

     "... Yeah it is."

     He stared at you for a moment and then looked away, "Can I have your number so we can keep in touch?..."

     Your eyes opened in slight shock, wondering as to why this boy would want to keep talking to you. After all, you had technically called him trash.

     "The Great King wants my number? Oh wow, I'm touched. But why would you want to keep in touch with me?"

     You half used sarcasm in your sentences, and half used actual curiosity.

     He paused again and let out a sigh, "You seem... Interesting? I don't know... Actually, here. Just take my number. I have to leave otherwise I'll be late to practice and Iwa-chan will become angry with me. Bye bye!"

     The boy had been carrying around his volleyball bag which for some reason, had a pen and a note pad in it. He wrote his number and handed it to you, waving to you as he walked away.

     Considering you had just gone to the grocery store to get food, but you ended up getting Oikawa's number along with the food, the day had been pretty successful so far.

     You blinked slowly and glanced down at the piece of paper from the note pad, and then looked back at him. His figure was slowly, but surely, growing smaller as he walked away. You waved back to him, even though he couldn't see it, and went inside your house.

     As you got inside your house with a smile on your face, it quickly turned into horror.

     "... Did I forget to tell him my name?..."


     You had ended up texting the boy's number, explaining who you were and telling him your name. How could one forget something so important?

     It was already around one in the after noon. Oikawa had taken up quite a lot of your time today, and you had just met him.

     "Will I continue being able to see characters from other schools?... Well I have chances to see characters from around here from schools like Shiratorizawa, Dateko, and Aoba Johsai. But I have no clue about Nekoma and Fukurodani, since they reside in Tokyo. Ugh. This is so difficult."

     You sat down on the couch in your living room and stared out the window. Originally you were supposed to be doing research, but now you felt a little exhausted. Closing your eyes, you rested your head on the cushion from the top of the couch.

     This action didn't last because quickly you received an incoming called from an unknown number. You raised your right eyebrow in confusion and slowly answered the called, lifting your phone to your ear.

     "Hello, is this Miss (L/N)?"

     "Um, yes it is? Who is this?"

     "Miss (L/N) I have some amazing news for you. Your father has waken up out of his coma. He can not be visited right now, but he should be okay in a few days."

     Being confused out of your mind, you couldn't form words to what you had just been told. Since when had your father been put into a coma?... Did she mean your father in this world? Is that what your Grandma had meant when she said what had happened to your parents? But then what about your mom?...

     "... Miss (L/N) are you there?"

     "Sorry... I just..."

     "Yes I understand, this must be a lot for you to take in. I have to leave because I'm quite busy. Have a good rest of your day. Goodbye."

     The phone line cut off and you put your phone down on the couch beside you.

     "So a father that I have nothing to do with in this world has woken up from a coma... I really need to find out what had happened... It's like I took someone else's life when I came here? Oh god, I hope whoever's place I took isn't in place for me in my world. That could be bad."

     Again, you had attempted to close your eyes and rest for a little, only to be disturbed again. The ringing of your phone went off again, but this time it had a contact name to signal who was calling you.

     It was your Grandma.

     How could you not have predicted that she would called after something this big happening. Then again, you had literally just set down your phone, giving you no time to think, or try to collect your thoughts. You answered the phone again and raised it to your ear.

     "Dear have you heard about what has happened!"

     "... Yes I just got a called."

     "I'll have to bring you back out to Tokyo as soon as possible to see him. Anyways, I have to go make arrangements for you to come and stay. And now I have some paper work to do with your father. Bye honey."

     She hung up quickly and you set down your phone again, "Huh, so maybe I will get to see some of the characters from Tokyo then..."

     You spent the rest of your day watching some TV and trying to comprehend all of the information you had been told. It had been quite a lot in a small amount of time...


     It was your first class in the morning and you hadn't got any sleep from the prior night. Bags were under your dark eyes and you felt like a zombie. If someone even poked you, you'd probably fall over from lack of balance.

     Everything Sensei was saying in class was going in one ear and out the other. You had been here for about a week and so much had happened.

     Your life was changed. This couldn't be a dream. It was the new reality you would have to live with for now, maybe even forever.

     Sure you liked the thought of being able to get to interact with your favourite characters, but at the price of never getting to see anyone that you loved again? Having to forget basically everything you had known from your other life and make a new one here?

     There will always be pros and cons to things that happen to you.

     The bell had rang for class to end, a short recess period began without your acknowledgment. Yachi had raised from her seat and walked to your desk. She waved her hand in front of your face and you raised your eyes to meet her own.

     "(L/N)-san, are you okay? You look out of it today. Are you sick?"

     You pondered for a moment before saying anything. Was there a point in even telling her the truth? It's not like she could sympathize with you. No one could.

     "I'm just fine Yachi."

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