Chapter 4

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Isabelle's POV

"I'm in love with you Isabelle." I heard Louis say softly through the screen.

I let out a laugh and smiled at him, "You're funny Louis," I laughed even harder. He was making a joke, he wasn't in love with me. We were best friends.

"I'm not kidding Izzy..." he said seriously, he looked down to his lap where he was fidgeting with his hands. I stopped laughing and took a deep breath.

He wasn't in love with me, there is no way he could be. We were best friends and always have been. We laughed with each other, fought with each other, messed with each other, but there was no way he could love me, right?  "No Louis, we are best friends. You are just missing me that's all!" I told him.

He shook his head no, "Isabelle I do miss you but ever since you've left, there has been this hole in me. A part of me is missing. That part of me is you. And it's not just because I miss you, it's because I realized you complete me. I think I knew it right before you left that I was in love with you. That's why I gave you my beanie, I didn't know how to say it in words so I just had to do something,"

I looked over to his beanie that was right next to my pillow and sighed, he continued speaking.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you since you've left. I keep thinking about how when you laugh your whole face lights up and when you ruffle your fingers through your hair when you are scared or when you bite your lip when you're nervous. Just how beautiful you are and how you amaze me with just being you. I love you. I love you more than anything, you give me strength, courage, and hope. You complete me Isabelle."  he finished with a sigh. He looked relieved to get that off his chest.

I didn't know what to say, my best friend did the thing I never expected, he fell in love with me. Why? I have no clue, this wasn't supposed to happen. He was looking at me through the screen, I could feel it but I couldn't meet his gaze. The first feeling I felt was anger and I guess that was what I was showing cause he looked worried.

"Say something please Izzy." he said. 

"How could you do this? I'm all the way across the ocean in a different country and you decide to tell me this! Did you expect me to come rushing back to England? Because I'm not Louis, you could have told me when we were together. Maybe we could have worked something out but you decide to tell me when I'm far gone. I am starting a new life here and I'm already stressed enough as it is and you have to add this to it. I don't know how I feel, this is just to much. Louis you need to move on and forget about this and me. Go be great at the X Factor and do something fantastic instead of wasting your time on me. I can't do this, not with you. I'm sorry." I was all over the place, I was angry and confused. Why did he have to do this? I don't think I could talk to him for a long time or again for that matter. I was going to ruin his future before he even got the chance to start it.

I looked up at him before I turned the camera off, he had tears in his eyes, I couldn't do this. I shut it off without another word.

Louis' POV

She shut our Skype down before I could say another word. She didn't love me back, and now she didn't want anything to do with me. Why did I do this? I just ruined something that means everything to me. Now I didn't have my best friend or the girl I fell in love with. I picked up my phone and sent her a message telling her I was sorry. I sat there for a minute hoping she would reply.

After ten minutes and no reply, I threw my phone and gave up hope. I heard my mom call from down and ask what that noise was, I didn't reply.

The only thing I had left was the show and I'd have to be great to get farther into it. I was going to do it though, I was going to do it for her, even if she didn't care about me anymore.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was short but it's kind of just a filler. I will be updating again soon and I'm sorry that it took me awhile to write this. I wasn't sure how I wanted to go with it but I think I got it. Please comment and vote! I'd like some feedback please! Also there were two songs that really helped me write this chapter, you've probably already heard them but go listen to them, they're 'Let Her Go' by Passenger and 'Say Something' by Great Big World, they really sound good with this chapter I think! And also follow me on twitter if you like, @stylessmiling :)

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