Chapter 15

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Opie came up to the roof.

"Hi baby" I said and kissed him

"I miss being up here with you" he said and wrapped his arm around me. "The next couple of days are going to be rough and unpredictable, I want you to stay at my house with the kids."

"Okay, I have stuff packed and ready to go, I can't wait to see the kids" I said and hugged him.

"There is one other thing I wand to ask you" Opie said "Charlotte we have known each other for many year and I want you to know you are my best friend and soon to be mother of my child, the past months have been really hard with Donna's death and Able being taken, you have been so strong and always by my side and that is how I always want it to be." Opie said.

Opie got on one knee and held out a box and opened it, there was the most beautiful ring I ever saw, it was a huge square diamond and three little ones on each side of the band . "Charlotte will you marry me?"

"Yes"I squealed

He slipped the ring onto my finger and picked me up, spun me around and kissed me.


The next morning I got up and put on a sports bra and sweat pants on, Ope was still asleep. I went into the kitchen and took some yogurt and put some granola in it and started eating, I looked out the window. Today the boys were going to jail.

I looked down at my amazing ring and smiled at it. Two arms slipped around my waist and held me close.

"Good morning" he said

"Morning baby"

Ope lowered his head to my stomach, "and good morning to you too son" he said to my stomach and kissed it.

"You don't know if its a boy yet." I said

"I have a feeling he is"

"Ope if we have a girl I want to name her Donna"

He took my hands "you would do that?"

"Yes, she was my friend as well"

He pulled me in to a hug and kissed my head.

"What is the name for the boy?" Ope asked

"Middle names are Jackson,Filip, I'm not sure about his first name yet."

"What about Hunter?" Ope said

"I like it, it's settled, Donna if its a girl and Hunter Jackson Filip Winston."

"Sounds good to me, now we have to leave unless if we want a boot up out asses."

We got dressed and made our way to the club when we got there we gave hugs and filled up our plates and ate breakfast. I took hold oh Opie's hand and smiled at him.

"Hey, Charlie has something to say" Opie shouted

"First I want you all to know I love you. And second we are havering a baby." The guys cheered "and finally we are engaged" I said raising my left hand.

"Yeah" Jax yelled and hugged Opie and me, we all took shots a d gave hugs.

I walked over to Chibs and hugged him and he kissed my cheek.

"Can I talk to you"

"Sure lass"

"I want you to be godfather of this baby if anything happens to me and Opie."

"Are you sure lass"

"Yes, if we have a girl her name will be Donna and if its a boy his name will be Hunter Jackson Filip Winston"

Chibs started to tear up "I love you lassie as if you were my own kid" he said and kissed my head and hugged me.

"I love you too"


The boys were leaving to get Jimmy from the Russians, I gave Bobby, Clay, Juice, Tig, Happy and Hax hugs and told them I loved them.

I gave Chibs a hug and and Kozik one too. "You watch out for my boys" I said to Kozik.

I gave Opie a kiss "I love you, be safe"

"I will" he said and kissed me "I love you too"


I was cleaning, when the boys came in I passed then all beers.

"So Charlie you are having a kid" Happy said

"Yup, a little nervous" I laughed

"If you can take care of us you can take care of a kid" Happy said

I laughed and put my arm around his shoulder, "I'm going to miss you guys"

"We are going to miss you too" Juice said.

I looked up at the cameras and saw Jax pull in fallowed by two cars and a police van. I ran out the door and into the lot. "What's going on?"

"Your V.P. made a deal, Jimmy for Three years in prison" Stahl said

"Jax you didn't, please tell me you didn't rat."

"Sorry sis"

All the guys started shouting and pushing Jax. I hugged Gemma as they haled the boys into the van.


I sat at at the bar just starring into space, thinking about what just happened.


"Huh" I said coming out of my trance.

"Jax wanted me to give this to you, and then you finished reading burn it" Phill said a d handed me a letter.

"Thanks Phill"

I opened the letter

"Hey sis

You once told me that you do what you have to do for your family and you are right, Jimmy and Stahl are both dead, and me ratting on the club was bull, I would never turn on the club. Take care of mom, Tara and Able for me. I love you Charlotte.


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