Chapter 16

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2 months later

I was driving to St Thomas to get an ultrasound to see what the sex of the baby is.

I parked the car and walked in to the waiting room. When my name was called, I sat in a room and laid down on the bed. My pre paid started to ring.


"Charlotte where are you?" Opie asked

"St Thomas, my appointment"

"Oh my god, baby I'm so sorry, I forgot."

"It's fine I know you have been busy, when I get home we will celebrate when we find out what the sex is."

"Okay baby, I'm so sorry"

"It's fine"

"I love you Charlie"

"I love you too" I said and hung up the phone. The doctor came in and put cold jelly on my stomach. "Okay let see, there are the feet oh and a hand. And there I a profile of your baby." The doctor said.

"What about the sex?"

"Lets see" she move the monitor around my stomach "ah there we go you have having a boy."

"A boy...WHOO" I said and hugged the doctor."

"Would you like the pictures?"

"Yes please." I smiled

I got the pictures and drove to the club. I got out of the car and ran into the club house and saw they were in church. I sat at the bar and waited.

1 hour later

The doors opened and Opie walked out and over to me.

"Baby I am so sorry"

"It's okay, so do you want to see a picture of the baby?"

I handed him the picture. "So beautiful" he whispered

"Are you ready to hear if is a boy or a girl?"

"First I want to give you this" Opie held out a beautiful bracelet.

"Opie I love it"

"I will not miss another appointment again."

"Okay" I said and kissed him.

"So what are we having?"

"It's a boy" I smiled at him. Ope smiled big and ran into church.

"Guys, we are having a boy" Ope yelled

The guys cheered and Chibs ran over to me and hugged me.

"The kids are with Mary, how about he stay here to night."

"Okay" I said and we walked to my room and I laid down. Opie pulled my shirt up so he could see the baby bump. He put his hands on my stomach, and started talking to our son.

"Hey kid, it's your old man, Hunter I want you to know that I love you and so does your mother."

I felt him kick and so did Opie because he smiled at when he felt it.


5 months later

I felt so tied so I went I go lay down and go to bed early I kissed Opie on the head and went to my room and wrapped my self in blankets.

I was woken up from a sharp pain. I got up and walked out to where Opie was playing pool with Chibs.

"Hey baby" I said holding my stomach.

"Are you okay" he asked alarmed

"Yeah don't panic but I think it's time" when I said that I felt something run down my leg and then heard a splash. I looked down and saw a puddle, my water just broke.

"Oh my god" Opie said

"Baby it's okay I need you to get the blue bag from the room. Chibs will you come with us?"

"Of course lassie"

"Kozik, stay here with the prospect,"

"Are you sure Charlie"

"Yes, we'll call you if anything happens."

I took out my phone and called Gemma.

"Hey mom I'm in labor"

"Oh my god I'm on my way to the hospital"


I hung up the phone and a sharp pain shot through me, I let out yell and squeezed Kozik's hand. "Ow Charlie I think you broke my hand"

"Don't be a pussy" I snapped at him

"Okay baby ready" Opie asked

I just scoffed at him and walked towards the car.

When we got to the hospital, Chibs got a wheel chair and Opie helped me out of the car. I sat in the wheel chair and let out another cry of pain.

"Hi baby"

"Hi mom"

I was put into a hospital bed and Ope sat next to me and mom on the other side.

"Mom what if I can't do this?"

"Oh baby you can do this, I know it's scary but you can you are strong."

"Thanks mom"

"I am not leaving your side" Opie said and gave me a kiss.

10 hours later...


"Okay Charlotte one more big push" the doctor said

I pushed and pushed and then there was a little cry.

"Oh baby you did it" Opie said and kissed me.

"He's beautiful" mom said

They passed me the baby. I looked down at him and he looked just like Opie but he had my eyes.

"Hello Hunter Jackson Filip Winston" I said and kissed him on the head.

After I was all cleaned up I passed Hunter to Opie, I watched him cradle his son with a big smile. Chibs came in and kissed my head. Chibs took out a beanie with the SOA logo on it and put it on his head. Chibs took Hunter into his arms.

"Oh lassie he's beautiful and you did a great job" he said

He passed Hunter back to Opie and I watched the smile on his face grow bigger, my eyes slowly shut and I fell asleep.

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