Chapter Two: Torturous

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( Katniss.)

Chapter Two: Torturous

The whip comes down on my bare back and I keep my mouth sealed. I will not show them my pain.

I haven't seen Snow since that day. His henchmen beat and torture me every day though.

" We will break you," the one who's whipping me snarls.

" Never," I spit, earning myself another, hard whip.

They leave me hanging for a while and I hear the door open and close.

Why me?


The white walls echo around me, making my sobs louder. Finnick has his hand on my shoulder.

Finnick isn't doing so well either. Annie was taken along with Katniss.

It is hell on earth without Katniss here in 13. I've begged them to save Ivy and her, but they refuse, especially Coin. She has something against the three of us.

My only company here is Johanna, Finnick and Haymitch. I feel so alone. Of course, Prim and her mother are here, but my parents are thought to be in the Capitol too.

The other districts? They're in a full scale rebellion. Well, except from one, two and four. The reason we haven't returned to our usual districts, is that it's not safe.

Suddenly, the door bursts open to reveal a disgruntled looking Haymitch.

His voice comes our ragged as he says, " I have a plan."

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Hey guys!

I'm sorry I took so long to upload! I really am, but I have had super bad writers block on this particular story.

Sorry it's short!

Love you,

- J 🔥

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