Wolf Puns

172 14 17

Date: 3-8-17

Chapter 44: Wolf Puns

Lucas is frozen as Lena's soft lips press onto his. Lucas has a fleeting thought that she deserves the title elemental angel.

Lena pulls away after only a moment, but that moment was good enough for Lucas.

Lucas feels a numb grin spread across his face. "What was that for?" Lucas asks in a daze.

"I hate seeing you sad." Lena admits as she removes her hands from his face. "I thought I could try and cheer you up." Lena adds a little quieter.

Lucas thinks back on what he was upset about. John was walking outside with Evie and Alisa. He told them he couldn't stand being there.

Lucas blinks and realizes Lena is looking at him with concern. Lucas pushes away his unhappy thoughts to let the joy he felt a minute ago come back.

"Thank you. But you can kiss me when I'm happy too." Lucas is surprised that he just said that, but Lucas keeps his gaze level so Lena doesn't notice.

Lena laughs lightly and it echoes in Lucas' head. Lena's laugh is nothing like Jerica's, and for that Lucas is grateful.

"I'll keep that in mind." Lena replies while casting her eyes to the ground. That's the first sign that Lucas has seen that Lena is nervous.

Lucas is debating whether to kiss Lena again. Lucas is feeling a pressure in his chest that he somehow knows will go away if she's closer to him.

But Mason ruins the plan by walking up to say hi, leaving Lucas with an ache in his heart.

"Hey Mason." Lena responds with no sign of disappointment. Either she's a good actor or she hadn't noticed what Lucas was feeling.

"Do you know what's going on with Adrian? I saw he called you over when he was talking with John." Lucas questions Mason, hoping to find out if Adrian's the reason John is mad at him.

Lucas could tell that John found out somehow about him and Mason because John has wolfsbane with him.

Lucas didn't even know about wolfsbane until he heard Adrian say that to Monique. Then Lucas looked it up. Adrian could've warned Lucas about an herb that's deadly to werewolves.

Speaking of Adrian, he could be the one who told John their secret. But why would Adrian do that when that would also expose him?

"Well, Adrian asked John if he knew about stalkers. John said no. Then Adrian asked about bipolar girls and explained the whole Ivie thing." Mason pauses when Lena jumps in.

"He told John? Why would he do that?" Lena demanded to know. Mason took a step away from Lena before continuing. Honestly, Mason is such a scaredy cat sometimes. Or should I say scaredy wolf?

"Adrian asked John for help! He asked him to do a spell to fix Ivie. But John said he couldn't because it uses dark magic." Mason rushed to explain. Lena is getting angry and Mason thinks it's directed at him.

Lucas can tell that Lena is just fed up with this situation. And Ivie just found out about all of this. Lucas wonders how Lena can be so strong when everything is falling apart? Is that an elemental angel thing or a Lena thing? Lucas would bet on Lena.

"How did Adrian even get John to fess up about his magic?" Lena questions Mason even though it's not very likely that Mason will have all of the answers.

"I don't know! They just suddenly started talking about magic. I guess John just stopped playing dumb." Mason answers as best as he can.

"Why did you guys say my name so many times?" Lucas flinched at Adrian's voice behind him.

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