The Past is Past

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Date 3-17-17

I think the vampire necklace up top is kinda cool.

What do you think?


Chapter 56: The Past is Past

Lena has to leave after a while because a doctor came in saying Lucas needed to rest.

But after Lena leaves, Lucas sits in bed stewing over everything that's happened.

Lucas remembers that when he thought he was dying, he heard Adrian talk to the other werewolf. So that means Adrian isn't the werewolf that bit them.

But there's still something suspicious about Adrian. So Lucas is going to keep saying that he thinks the werewolf was Adrian.

Lucas is still demanding proof. Monique tried to talk to Lucas about Adrian earlier, but Lucas said he had to have proof.

Then Lucas' thoughts flip to his twin brother. How could Mason be any less strong than Lucas is? Why couldn't Mason just wake up already?

Monique's words echo in Lucas' ear from when he asked that question.

"An Alpha bite is far more powerful than a regular werewolf bite. But we know he's healing."

Lucas sighs and leans his head against the headboard of his hospital bed.

Lucas decides that he needs to see Mason. So Lucas stands with minimal difficulty and stumbles to the door. Lucas hasn't been able to walk around more than to go to the bathroom and shower, so Lucas' legs aren't used to extended movement.

Lucas lets the doorway hold him up for a second, taking deep breaths.

Then Lucas lifts his chin up to get a better smell of the air. Surely he can sniff out Mason.

As Lucas walks down the white hallway a million smells invade his sensitive nose. Everything seems brighter and more in focus since before Lucas practically died.

Lucas finally gets to walking normaly. That's when Lucas realizes that he doesn't know what hospital he's at. Lucas really should've asked that when he had the chance.

Lucas catches Mason's scent suddenly and takes off at a fast walk, only receiving a few weird looks on the way.

Lucas stops in front of a doorway that looks the same as all of the others. It's this one. Lucas' nose seems to say.

Lucas glances around, but no one jumps out dramatically to stop him. So Lucas pushes open the door to see Mason.


"He's demanding proof." Monique tells Adrian for the second time.

"I know." Adrian says frustrated as he paces back in forth in his living room. Monique stands calmly, hoping her ease will make Adrian feel better. It doesn't.

"Then give him proof! I know that this is bothering you. You want Lucas to trust you." Monique says candidly.

Adrian shoots a glare in Monique's direction but doesn't stop pacing.

"I also know that if you just come clean about everything you'll feel better." Monique adds gently.

"No! Not yet." Adrian yells. He softens his voice to speak again, feeling bad for snapping. Adrian also stops his quick movements to stare at Monique, hoping she knows he's sincere.

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