The Emotional Ex-Wolf

228 16 59

Date: 3-27-17

Chapter 65: The Emotional Ex-Wolf

Mason is let out of the hospital the next day, after all the tests are done. Nothing seems to be wrong with him anymore.

Everything is normal with Mason. He's all healed up. Mason's heartbeat is normal and his blood flow is normal.

That's what's wrong with the situation. Mason is normal. But he's not supposed to be normal! Mason is supposed to be a werewolf.

But by the tests done at the hospital, Mason is not a werewolf.

So Lucas calls Adrian, who appears to be the expert on these things, because the doctors had no clue what to say. They said congratulations because Mason didn't mean to become a werewolf.

Wow. Just wow.

Now back at Lucas and Mason's house, everyone is crowded into the living room.

Mason sits on the couch, nervously fidgeting in place. He doesn't know what to make of this. How can a werewolf become a human again?

Adrian sits next to Mason, watching him carefully. The truth is, Adrian doesn't know the answer. But he can speculate, guess on what's right, then act confident and hope he's right in the end.

Adrian checks one last time to make sure his senses aren't deceiving him. Mason smells like a human and his heartbeat sounds human. There's not a big difference in appearance besides his eyes, which are not glowing. Obviously.

"Try to make your eyes glow. Then try bringing out your claws. You're probably still a werewolf but your body is hiding it while you finish healing all the way." Adrian says thoughtfully.

"But the doctors said I'm fully healed." Mason argues.

"Your body is resting from the healing. Just do it Mason. I know what I'm talking about." Adrian scolws at Mason distastefully.

Ivie is standing on the other side of the room, frowning at Adrian being rude again. He always does that. Although, Ivie isn't much better, so she cuts Adrian some slack.

"Fine." Mason grumbles, taping into a bit of his anger. Adrian thinks that's good. Getting into your primal anger can help with shifting on command.

Mason closes his eyes, focusing on how it feels when his eyes glow. He opens his eyes only to find everything normal. No burning in his eyes. No sign of abnormal eyes.

"Try your claws." Adrian says, managing to keep the frustration out of his voice.

Mason clenches his fingers into fists, squeezing his shut again. Mason concentrates hard on reaching into the place he keeps his anger locked away, pulling it out to use it.

But nothing happens, once again, and Mason is left with self loathing and annoyance. That's just great!

Mason snaps his eyes open and lets out a frustrated sigh. "It's not working." Mason relaxes his fingers to show they have normal length fingernails, not claws like they should have.

"It's okay Mason. We'll figure it out." Lucas tries reassuring Mason, but it's obviously it doesn't work when Mason snaps.

Mason stands up swiftly with rage at himself. "I'm going to my room." Mason says through gritted teeth before he stalks off.

Ivie, Lena, Jerica, and Lucas stare off in shock and worry, hoping Mason will be okay soon. It's never good when Mason goes off the deep end. So hopefully he doesn't this time.

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