Hearts Can Lie

174 17 21

Date: 3-9-17

Chapter 45: Hearts Can Lie

Jerica wouldn't stop eyeing Lucas and Lena who are sitting on the couch together. Holding hands.

"So...?" Jerica says, not bothering to say anything else. Everyone knows what Jerica is trying to ask.

"Yes Jerica. Lena and I are dating now." Lucas says with a sigh, deciding not to antagonize her.

Lena stares up at Lucas with a smile. Lena likes the sound of that.

"Really?" Jerica questions in disbelief. "You're seriously serious?"

Lena laughs while she nods to answer Jerica's question. "Well I just want to say-" Jerica starts talking but Adrian interrupts her.

Adrian was in the kitchen with Monique talking secretly, but obviously they're back now.

"We need to be ready for when Johnathon gets here. Where's Ivie?"

"Like I've told you before, his name is John. He doesn't like being called Johnathon." Lucas corrects Adrian.

"And you never told us that Ivie has to be here." Lena adds to Lucas' argument.

"Well she does need to be here. So where is she?" Adrian retorts.

"I don't know. I would have to call her." Lena replied with a groan. Lucas can tell that Lena doesn't want Ivie to be here.

"Then call her." Adrian responds, trying very hard to control his temper. Adrian isn't always like this, but right now with all the stress he's under, his anger is getting worse. It's trying to control him. And that hasn't happened in a long time.

"Fine." Lena snapped, letting go of Lucas' hand to stand and go somewhere else to call Ivie. Lucas follows Lena into the kitchen so she can make her call.

"I know he can still hear, but I dont want to talk to her with his judgemental eyes staring me down." Lena says with a sigh.

Lena leans against the counter and looks at Lucas in a lost way. "It's okay. I would do the same." Lucas replies to soothe her.

"I better call her now." Lena says taking her cell phone out and dialing her older sister.


"Ivie, your phone is ringing." Selynn tells Ivie from across the room. They're sitting together with Vanessa just listening to music.

"Hello?" Ivie answers her phone.

"Ivie, we're having a meeting at Lucas' house." Lena says while Ivie thinks about that. She usually says Jerica's house, not Lucas'. Hmmm.

"So can you come over?" Lena asks Ivie.

Ivie sends an irritated look to Vanessa and Selynn to show she's not happy with the phone call.

"Yeah, I guess. Does it have to do with the supernatural stuff going on?" Ivie asks with an eye roll. Lena could have just told her.

"Shh! Are you alone?" Lena asks, wondering if anyone heard what Ivie just said.

"Yeah." Ivie lies to Lena. Vanessa and Selynn stand up and come closer. Ivie has the volume all the way up so they heard what Lena said.

"Okay. Well yeah, it's about that." Lena agrees nervously. Ivie sighs, not wanting to leave the safe haven of her best friend's house.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." Ivie says.

"It only takes 10 minutes to get here from-" Ivie cuts off Lena's argument by hanging up the phone.

Selynn laughs and high fives Ivie. They're both grinning at Ivie's boldness, but Vanessa is worried.

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