Chapter Two: The Party

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Laura and I are both sitting on her bed awkwardly in her spacious room. Both of us are wearing pajamas. Her's are a fluffy top and bottom with pink polka dots. She loaned me a plaid top and pink furry pants. We hear a knock on the door and Laura screams ¨Come in.¨. Mrs. Amber, Laura's mom, comes in and tells us that she is leaving for the night so we could go somewhere. I spent my whole day yesterday talking to Laura. There was a lot that we kept over the years and wanted to talk to someone about.

"Do you want to go to a party?", blurts Laura. "There's this boy in this neighborhood who's hosting a party tonight."

"A- a party?", I mutter. "Uh, it's been years since I went to a party. The last party I attended to was when I was twelve. I wouldn't even consider it a real party... I wasn't even enjoying it. I was in a huge coma of grief, sorrow, and misery."

"Well Ariel, that's the point. You need some time to... recover from your mother's death and overcome your past.  It's hard, I know. But I really like you and want to get to know you. This party is our chance."

I consider the idea. "Sure. Lets go."

                                                                                                      A couple hours later...

We drive onto the street and park our car next to the house where the party will be. "The one who has blonde hair and green eyes, also super cute, is Matt. He's hosting it." She takes out the keys. "Time to party."

Laura rings the doorbell. I touch my blonde curls. I have never had them look so beautiful. I assume it's Matt who opens the door because when I look at Laura, she's in complete daze.  "Hey Laura.", he turns his head to me in confusion. "And you?"

"Ariel. Uh, she's my friend. Is it okay if she comes?", she blushes. "Sorry I didn't ask you."

"Sure. Come in." He opens the door for us. His house is huge. The inside has many antique items making it look like a beautiful modern castle. "Laura. Ariel. Do you want to grab a drink?", he asks.

"Sure.", she giggles making her look so attractive. No wonder Matt is falling for her. 

"Uh, no thanks.", I smile and continue to walk around the room. The place is filled with many people. People are everywhere. Most of them are drunk or making out with someone. 

" Excuse me. " I turn around and I see a cute guy staring at me. "I'm Alex. You look a little lost. What's your name?", he screams over the music. 

 "Ariel..." I put my hair in the back of my ear. "Uh, my friend is-", I look for Lauren or even Matt but they're both out of my sight. "-actually not here."

"Come with me.", he grabs my hand and leads me somewhere. He pushes through many drunk people. Some begin to touch me or dance against me. Alex turns around to look at me and laughs. "Drunks...", he mutters. Once we get out of there, he finds a room much quieter. He beckons me to sit. I hold my- Laura's dress, and sit on the leather couch. "You looked alone. I didn't want you to have a horrible time. I know how it feels."

"My friend Laura brought me here and it's like my first party in years..."

"Wow really?", Alex looks at me with his gray eyes. 

I take a deep breath and decide to tell him. "This might sound crazy but I... ran away from an adoption center... a.k.a hell." His low and soothing laugh fills the room. 

"Wow. That's... not something I hear everyday. So, where do you live then? At Laura's?"

"Yeah. I ran a few miles through the forest and slept there for a night, thinking of some way to survive. I- I just wanted to live a normal life. But I failed.", I sigh. "That's until Laura's mom saw me walk through the pouring rain and invited me in. But like I mean, I know nothing about a normal life."

"Sorry to ask but um, what happened to... your-"

"My parents. Yeah well my mom died from cancer and my dad abandoned me."

"I'm sorry to hear that. That's heartbreaking.", he looks at me painfully. His dark brown hair is covering his face. Just when I look at it, he fixes it. I catch his eye and we both laugh. 

"Yeah so that's me. What about you?"

"Me?" He looks down at his hands and fidgets with them. "Nothing interesting. I have parents, a little sister... and a parrot."

"Wait, the ones that talk?", the excitement in my voice rises.

"Yes. God, that parrot has got me in so much trouble. I learned to stop swearing in front of that damn thing." I let out a laugh and he looks at me and smiles. "You have a sweet laugh." I can't help but blush. 

"Thanks. Uh, I better go find Laura."

"Yeah but um Ariel how could I contact you?", he asks shyly. I stand up and pat my dress. He stands up as well. "You know what, I'll figure out a way. Well that is of course if you want to talk sometime."

"Of course Alex.", I smile. "Lets go find Laura and then we could talk more."

"Alright. Let me walk you to the living room.", he takes my hand politely and walks me through the house once again. I try to find Laura but instead she finds me. 

"I see you and Alex know eachother.", she says. 

"Yeah um, I- we just met."

"It's fine.", she laughs. "You could go talk to him. You need socializing. Sorry about scampering off with Matt." She comes closer to me. "We almost kissed.", she whispers. The joy in her eyes is undeniably visable.

"Okay I'll be with Alex. You go finish what you started." She waves to me and leaves the room.

"Now it's back to the two of us.", Alex murmurs. "Would you like to dance?", he says as he bows. I find myself laughing. 

"What a gentleman you are..." I smile. 

"Come on. You have to have fun tonight. You could start over starting now." 

And surely, I began my life over with a dance with a boy I barely knew.

But I knew enough. 

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