~ Chapter One ~

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Chapter One ~ Starting The Story

"Mummy your home!" I scream running down the stairs, my five year old legs carrying me along. Hoping to see mummy with daddy downstairs.

My shoulder length brown hair flowing behind me, my aqua blue eyes captivating my face and a wide smile spread along my lips. My small body running round the massive house looking for mummy and daddy. I head straight to the lounge.

"Daddy" I see him, his brown hair messy on his head, his hands covering his face and his body seeming tense. "Daddy, what's wrong?" I run up to him and hug him.

I hear him sigh and I look at him, a smile now formed on his face. The warm brown eyes now puffy and red. I've never seen daddy like this, he's always been a confident, fun dad and a powerful businessman. The short stubble slowly growing round his jaw line.

"Princess I'm fine" he gives me a warm smile and I kiss him on the cheek. "We are going to see mummy again" his smile turns sad and I frown.

"When can she come home?" I ask him and he kisses me on the forehead before picking me up and placing me in my car seat next to him.

Walking into the large building, blue walls and bright lights. I've been coming here for a couple of months to see mummy. I don't know what's wrong? Loads of people, some dressed in light blue uniform and some with white jackets on and others looking like me.

Daddy pulls me down a corridor and I see my two Nannies, my two Grandads and my aunt. They all look sad but once seeing my smile a small smile is placed on their lips. Saying hello and getting kisses, dad pats my head.

"Want to see mummy" he smiles at me and I nod my head desperately. Walking into the room next to everyone I see mummy laying on a bed.

"Mummy!" I shout with joy, I run and jump on the bed, trying my best to climb it but dad places me on it.

Her once diamond blue eyes now filled with a sad blue, a small smile tugging on her lips. The blonde hair surrounding her small face and I give her a hug. I feel a kiss placed on my head and look at her, she looks tired I say to myself.

"Hey princess" she manages to say and I see daddy hold her hand, trying to hold tears in his eyes.

"When are you coming home? What's wrong?" I pull a puzzled look.

"I'm going to a better place princess" mummy tells me.

"Does that mean home?" I giggle and a small laugh comes out of her mouth.

"You'll understand when your older princess" she smiles, "your still young" she informs me and I huff.

"I'm a big girl" I state, "and when I'm your age I'm going to have a prince like daddy and a princess like me" I smile and she nods her head. "You and daddy will be there too" I smile.

"You'll live your own life princess, you'll be a queen and won't need us" she tells me and I shake my head.

"I will need you" I say and she looks at me and daddy.

"I love you both" she tries to smile and slowly closes her eyes and I look at her, dad making small circles on her hand.

The beeping sound begins to fade and goes into one long one. I see Daddy shout for some people and my two nannies, two grandads and my aunt rush in with tears spilling.

"Mummy!" I nudge her to open her eyes, "mummy wake up!" I shout again and feel tears prick in my eyes. "Mummy!" I shout again now crying as I'm lifted up by someone and they carry me out.

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