I can't get better: A Klance oneshot

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Lance sighed as he walked back from dinner. His muscles were burning from training every night but he always returned. How was he supposed to become good enough for Voltron if he didn't keep training? He doesn't have a special talent like the other paladins and he isn't strong either. He sniffled as he reached up to wipe the tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. Why would the lion choose someone who wasn't good enough? As he was lost in his thoughts he tripped into someone, resulting in both of them on the ground.

"God! Watch where you're going Lance!" Keith growled as he kicked Lance, with more than to much force, off of him. Lance felt the blow hit him right in his aching stomach. He rolled off as he felt fresh tears spring to his eyes. He wasn't good enough, he wasn't strong enough, and the only crush he's ever had hates him more than the galra. "Honestly what's your problem? You need your brain checked?" Keith spat, standing up.

Lance pulled himself up shakily as he tried to hastily wipe his tears.

"Lance?" Keith asked softly once he saw the other boys face.

"Just leave me alone, ok Keith? I never asked for this... I never asked for any of this!" Lance shouted as he walked past him and continued down the hall.

"Lance, what's the matter?" Keith shouted, running to catch up to him.

"Keith just leave me alone! You've never cared about me before so take your mullet and go back to the 80's." Lance yelled as he slammed his door shut. He fell onto his bed and squeezed his eyes shut, letting a few sobs rake his body as he waited for everyone to fall asleep.

Aboard the ship there was no concept of time so it was impossible to tell when was late enough. Lance grabbed his bayard and a towel and headed down to the training arena. He initiated training sequences, all he completed rather quickly. "It's not enough," He told himself. After all, these were settings designed for altean children. He walked over to the settings and looked at each level. He chose one displayed in bright red. "I'll never be good enough," He muttered as the training dummy striked back. This was the highest level he had ever attempted. "I'll never be as strong as them," He muttered as he swung the sword at the dummy's head. "I'll never be loved by anyone," He striked again but more fiercely, "No one will ever understand me," The dummy striked and Lance barely dodged. "Keith will never see me as more than an annoying self centered idiot, no one will ever look past my humor and try to help me through my pain," He striked but missed and the dummy laid a blow straight to Lance's chest, it then kicked his knee, making him collapse and he heard a distinct crack/pop as his head slammed to the floor. "E-end training sequence." He muttered helplessly and the dummy evaporated. His head throbbed and everything was spinning. Lance thought of what he should do, he couldn't get up. He had to wait for someone to find him. The world began to spin faster and everything went black.

When Lance woke again he was barely conscious. Alarms were blaring and everything was doused in red light. Lance tried to get up but he couldn't move. He tried to call for help but his voice wouldn't work and there was searing pain in his leg, spreading to his hip and up his spine, blooming in his chest. He sobbed, no one would find him, they would be thankful for the quiet and peace as they fought the galra on their own; happy for no stupid distractions. Lance blacked out again.

"God damnit! Where is Lance?" Pidge shouted into the intercom through her lion.

"Probably overslept again," Keith growled, "he's so inconvenient!"

"How could Lance sleep through that alarm? It's impossible we've all been trained to wake up to it." Hunk added as he blasted another ship.

"We'll have to find him after this." Shiro said calmly.

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