Chapter one

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Picture of Quani

Quani POV

It's been two months since mama died and i decided to move me and Noni to Atlanta to start over. Since my deadbeat of a father was never around, and my mother was a crackhead who begged for money on the side of the street, I had to become a stripper to provide for my family.  Yes, I know thats kind of a jump but I bring in around 2,000 a night and that is great money to bring in. I have been saving up so that i could take my mama to court to gain gaurdiance of Noni. I hated to have her around whlie my mama was getting high and bringing random dudes up in our house every other night. But now since she is gone, the courts agreed to let me take care of her because i'll be turning 18 in a month.

I was waiting at Noni's bus stop as I do everyday while i was thinking about how i would have to tell her that we are moving. Right now we are in California, and don't get me wrong i love it here but i want to get as far away from here as possible.

"Hey Quani" Noni yelled as she ran off the bus.

"Hey munchkin,come on inside. I think we have some ice cream inside." I told her.

"Wanna race?" she asked me.

"Of course, but don't cry when i beat you"

Once inside i went to the kitchen in our small two bedroom apartment. I looked in the freezer and pulled out the ice cream. As I was scooping it into the bowl I started to tell her about my plan.

"So munchkin, um, how do you feel about moving"

"Moving where" She asked.

"Well to Atlanta, you know to start over. We can make new friends and all that."

"I don't want to move" She said while looking at me like i was crazy.

"Um, how about if we get a dog. Will you go then?" I knew this would work because she had been asking for a dog for her whole life.
She made a face like she was thinking but I already knew the answer.

"Ok, I guess we can move." She said the returned to eating her ice cream.I went to my room and started to book a flight and call the mover to come get most of our stuff. We were going to sell some things to get the extra money. Every little penny counts you know.

Tremane POV

So wassup I'm Tremane but everyone just calls me Tre. I'm the biggest kingpin in the ATL right now and everyone knows it. Right now I'm at the trap with my nigga Zion. We been best friends since diapers and there nothing I would do for him and vice versa.

"Ight nigga you ready to head out?" Zion asked as he stood up.

" Yeah i'm coming." As i walked out i gave some of my dudes some dap and went to my car. I had to drive Zion's dumbass home  because he wrecked his car while driving high. I really don't know what's wrong with him. After dropping him off Kim called me taking bout her and mama wanted something to eat so I drove to McDonald's.

***At the Drive Thru***
"Hello, may i take your order"

"Uh yeah lemme get three cheeseburgers, three large fries, a large sprite and two large sweet teas." I said to the intercom.

"Will that be all to days sir?" she asked

"Yeah thats it"

"Your total is 10.50. Pull up to the next window"

"When I pulled up to the window i seen this dusty looking hoe. She was licking her dry ass lips like that was gonna do something. I'm so tired of females that think they bad when they really not.

"Hey sexy"she said.

"Look ma'am i just want my food so could u hurry up."

"Oh,ok" She looked hurt but she'll get over it. I pulled off from the drive thru and headed home. When i got home my sister and my mama were sitting on the couch watching some show

"Ya'll come get yo food. We all got the same thing so no need to fight over it." I said laughing. Everytime i get different stuff we always fight about who gets what. I took my drink and my food up to my room and sat down on my bed to eat and play my video games.

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