Chapeter 2

145 6 1

Picture of Noni

Quani POV

For dinner i just ordered a pizza because all of our pots and pans were packed up.

"Thank you for the pizza Quani."Noni said to me." Do you really think I'll make a lot of friends in Atlanta?"

"Yes I do. You are a very sweet little girl and anybody would be glad to be your friend."

"Thank God I'm cute."She said confidantly. I swear this child will be the death of me. After we ate we started packing as much clothes as possible the others would be sent to good will. When we were done we had about three huge bags each. I knew that it would only be enough cloths for a month or two but we could always buy more. In order to get to the airport we had to call an uber because I didn't have a car.

"Take us to the airport, please" I told the driver after we got all of our stuff in the car.

"That's a lot of stuff. Are you taking a long trip?" He asked.

"No we are moving far away. Right Quani?"

"Right munchkin." I told her. When we got to LAX we went to our gate and sat down, we had already put up our bags and i just had a bookbag full of books and electronics to keep us busy.

"Flight to Atlanta in 10 minutes." I heard the speaker say.

"Alright munchkin we have to go." I wispered to her. She was already half sleep and it was only 9:30 at night.

"Can you carry me?" She asked in a cute voice. How could I say no, I mean she was pretty light anyway.

"Okay, hold on." I said as I carried her to the plane. "Say goodbye California." I said it more to myself than to Noni but still I heard a small voice.

"Goodbye California" Was the last thing she said before falling asleep entirely.


Me and my boys decided to have a get together tomorrow for the last week of summer. Right now I'm at the store with Kim getting food and stuff for the party.

"How many bags of chips do you think we would need?" I heard Kim ask.

"I don't know just get 20 if we have extra more for me though I doubt we will. You know how black folks are."

"You right." She laughed as ahe grabbed one bag of every flavor. After we were done getting food we started playing around the store like some kids. No one knows this but me and Kim are real close we barely ever fight and stay goofing around. Everyone thinks I'm some cold-hearted monster and truth is I am to those who I don't care about, but when it comes to family and loved ones I not who I am in the streets.

***At home***

I stripped out of my clothes and put on my basketball short and a wife beater. I was so tired and just ready to go to sleep but Kim and my mom wanted to watch the stupid movie. I guess I'll just fall asleep on the couch. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to pop some popcorn.

"Hurry Tre we wanna watch the movie." I heard my mom yell from our movie room.

"Ya'll go ahead and start it I'm coming."I yelled back. I heard the movie playing so I grabbed the food and ran to the movie room.

Quani POV

***4 Hours later***

"Noni, muchkin wake up. We're here." I shook her until she was up."Look out the window, you can see Atlanta."

"Wow look at all the lights. Quani?" She called me.


"I'm glad we moved. The old house reminded me of mama. We need a new house." She said with tears in her eyes.

"I know munchkin. I know" I hugged her tight and she hugged me back. Just then the seatbelt light came on. "That means we are about to land, put your seatblet on." I told her.

***Off the plane****

We grabbed our bags from baggage claim and i called another Uber.

"Take us to this address." I told the lady that was driving. I showed her the address on my phone and she started to pull off. We arrived at the apartment buliding about 30 minutes later. It was a two bedroom apartment that wasn't too big but also wasn't too small, it was the perfect size for us. We brought our bags up after i payed the driver. The movers wouldn't be here until tomorrow so we had to sleep on the floor.

"Quani, can I sleep in your room tonight?" Noni asked standing in my door way.

"Of course you can. Hey tomorrow after the movers get here we can go get that dog you wanted."

"Really. Oh my gosh I don't even know what knid of dog I want. I want one to protect us though." She started going on and on.

"Well you can figure it out . In you sleep. Go to bed child I'm tired."

"Ok." She said before she started talking about everything under the sun. Eventually she talked me to sleep.

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