Aries: Think of this combination of signs through the most aggressive image of Fire and Water element. Fire evaporates Water, just like Aries shatters Scorpio's feelings. Water damps down Fire, just like Scorpio wears Aries out. They seem to bring out the worst in each other and this is nobody's fault, it is just hard to reconcile so much focused energy that moves in two different directions. Their relationship is like the process of nuclear fusion and often just too much to handle.
Taurus: Taurus and Scorpio are both signs of deepest physical pleasure, each in their own way. This has to be the focus of their relationship, for they can't seem to understand platonic and imaginative relationships when they get together. There is no such thing as a platonic experience of romance, when the whole point of romance is to get physical. It is very possible that they will build their sexual life to the point where no other partner could ever satisfy their needs. This could lead to a possessive relationship with no way out, although they probably wouldn't want to get out even if they could. The entire experience can be too dark for the Taurus partner, especially if their practical sense is challenged by Scorpio's character. In case they are both independent and ready to blend with someone else, they could be the perfect connection between sexual and emotional, the one that we all wish for.
Gemini: Gemini and Scorpio will usually annoy each other senseless. None of them will lightly understand their partner's personality. To Gemini, their partner will seem too depressed and dark for no apparent reason, and for Scorpio, this could be an experience with no purpose or depth. If they do fall crazy in love, they could connect through their mutual love of change and give each other the exact things they lack. Gemini would get deep, emotional satisfaction they have never felt before and Scorpio would finally get the chance to rest their troubled soul, and realize that not everything needs to be taken seriously. This is a relationship of great lessons and an enormous capacity for personal growth of both partners.
Cancer: A relationship between a Cancer and a Scorpio can go from one extreme to another, and although Cancer partner will try hard to stabilize it, it might be too difficult if Scorpio doesn't have enough respect for their own emotions. When they find an emotional link, they can go very deep in search of true love, and unite on a level that is unreachable for other zodiac signs. This can make them speak without words, understand each other's thoughts with only one shared glance and be synchronized in their approach to their future together. If their emotions aren't shared on a deepest possible level, or Scorpio partner refuses to deal with them, it could be too hard for Cancer to handle the self-destructive nature of their partner. Their connection needs to be sincere and pure, in order for both of them to be ready to give in to this intense emotional contact.
Leo: When Leo and Scorpio start dating, they might not know exactly what they are to expect. This is in no way an easy relationship, and both partners can be stubborn and stiff in their opinions, life choices and ways they handle reality. If they want to remain in a loving relationship, they need to understand each other's way of expressing emotions and respect each other's needs however different they might be from those they are used to. When they find a way to love each other without conditioning, they might realize that they are in search for the same thing – Unity.
Virgo: That changeable nature of Virgo will be settled down by the fixed quality of their Scorpio partner, who will keep their relationship exciting for a very long time. In general, there is a problem that these partners share when it comes to Venus, and their relationship is often a reflection of these troubles. This can lead to all sorts of emotional blackmail, their tendency to control each other's lives, and if not this, than constant criticism that makes them both feel guilty or simply sad. The best thing they can do is decide that they will value each other and be thankful for each other in this relationship. If they develop a strong sense of gratitude, their relationship might be extremely deep, exciting and truly appreciated by both partners.
Libra: The relationship of Libra and Scorpio is in no way easy and light. Both of these partners will have to face their dark sides through this bond, and although this can lead to an incredible and intense sex life, and emotions that no one else can understand, it might lead them both to a depressive hole they won't easily get out of. The only way for this couple to last in a satisfying and gentle relationship, is for both partners to build a strong individual, independent life, or they will get sucked into the whirlpool of karmic emotions and obsessive, negative expectations.
Scorpio: Scorpio and Scorpio have this tendency to bring out the worst in each other. Even though they can share the deepest understanding known to the entire zodiac, they can also get too dark and depressed together, sinking into their pool of unresolved emotions. Their emotional understanding is something worth cherishing, if they are both open for their own feelings and accept their own inner needs.
Sagittarius: Scorpio and Sagittarius make a pretty great couple, for as long as they feel the first excitement at the start of their relationship. While they don't know each other well and everything seems new and incredible, Scorpio will see their Sagittarius partner as a ray of light that suddenly makes their life brighter and better, while Sagittarius will see that there is so much to learn and enjoy the depth of their Scorpio partner, followed by emotional attachment. In time, there is a strong chance they will slowly lose interest in one another, especially the mutable sign of Sagittarius for their fixed Scorpio partner. Even though their relationship might end on bad terms, it would be a shame not to give in to it and let it fascinate and exalt both of them for however long.
Capricorn: The relationship of Scorpio and Capricorn can be inspiring for both partners to search for the truth, dig up under their family tree and deal with any unresolved karma and debt. They are both deep and don't take things lightly, and this will help them build a strong foundation for a relationship that can last for a long time. However, this exact thing can easily make their relationship too dark and unemotional, pull them both in a state of sadness and depression, or simply awaken their need to search for the light with someone else.
Aquarius: Someone might say that this is a karmic relationship, that these partners were enemies in one of their previous lives and that they could fight until one of them falls dead. This would be a bit extreme though. The truth is, Scorpio is the sign of Uranus' exaltation and as such, it adores Aquarius in a way. In most cases, Scorpio partner will show their affection obsessively, but this might actually feel good for Aquarius. When we look at the sign of Aquarius, we will see that it exalts Neptune, the ruler of a Water sign of Pisces, and all of our assumptions on their lack of emotionality will drown in their ultimate love. The fact is they are both in a way outcasts and rebels. While Scorpio represents all of our emotions we don't want to deal with, Aquarius represents the way of thinking most of us are not ready for. It is best to look at them as announcers of change, for this is exactly what they will bring into each other's lives.
Pisces: When Scorpio and Pisces come together, this relationship will probably give them both new insights on emotional possibilities. They will both easily get carried away into an image of a fairytale love, and this image could keep them together for a very long time, even if they are both not that happy. As two Water signs, they will rely on their emotional judgments and understand this about each other, creating true intimacy. The challenge here is for the nature of Scorpio not to obsess and suffocate their changeable partner, and for Pisces to stop running away from negative emotions.
Zodiac Signs
AlteleA bunch of things about the Zodiacs. I'm putting things I think would suit the Zodiacs. WARNING: These may not be accurate.