Chapter 17

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Then next morning, I woke up to Justin tracing his finger tips down my back, drawing imaginary shapes, and his hot, oddly minty, puffs of breath down my neck. I cuddled into his neck and inhaled deeply. His natural scent is mouth-watering and it's what comforts me when I'm upset. Suddenly hit with a huge wave of nausea, I groaned in agony, clutching a fist into Justin shirt and placed a hand over the source of pain. Justin jumped and grabbed onto my body tightly. "What's wrong, Kitten?" he whispered concerned. Kitten is Justin's new nickname for me since he said and I quote 'You are about as terrifying as a baby kitten.' Yeah thanks Justin...grrr...okay maybe I agree. I couldn't intimidate anyone. "I don't feel good at all baby. I have a sore throat and I feel like I'm about to throw up." I whispered back hoarsely. "W-what? Kitten what c-can I do?" he says with tears in his eyes, hating that I was in any kind of pain. "Just hold me for now please." I say closing my eyes in pain.

He whimpers, grabs my leg, wraps it around his waist, pulls me closer, and kisses my face repeatedly but slowly and gentle. I hum in serenity, snuggling closer to his warmth and comfort. He turns me over, now spooning me, and places his hands on my stomach, lightly rubbing circles. He ducks his head into my neck placing open-mouthed kisses. I grip his arms, running my hands up and down them, stopping to play with his fingers as they press harder into my abdomen, relieving my pain slightly. He purrs in contentment, running his nose along my neck and jawline and kisses my temple. "I love you Kitten." he whispers, sadness still in his tone as he tries with all his power to make me feel better. "I love you t-" I stop abruptly as I jump out of his arms and race to the restroom. I make it just in time to throw my guts up into the toilet. I hear Justin whimper sadly as he pulls my hair back and rubs my back with his tender hands. "K-kitten p-please tell me what I can do." he says in agony. I stand and start brushing my teeth, ridding myself from my now nasty breath.

I look up and see Justin's eyes a stormy grey filled with sorrow, a frown carved into his face. "I'm fine baby." I encourage him although it gets me nowhere. "You just threw up. You are far from it. Do not lie to me." he says rudely, crossing his arms. Lately Justin has grown a backbone since Chris and I'm really not used to it yet. So whenever he asserts himself I'm always taken aback. I stare at him, shocked he would actually use a tone with me. He sees my reaction and his eyes soften. He takes a step towards me but I back away. He whimpers at my action. "Kitten please. I'm sorry." "Don't call me that. Whenever my Justin comes back then we can talk. For now, get out." I point at the door for emphasis. His eyes fill with hurt. "N-no Bella. I'm sorry. It's just you don't feel good. I'm on edge. Please let me take care of you." he begs. I sigh. "Fine. Whatever." I could never stay mad at him for long.

He smiles and picks me up bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans down and peck my nose before walking downstairs, placing me on the fluffy couch. Then he wraps my into my favorite blanket before disappearing into the kitchen. I fade in and out of sleep listening to Justin opening and closing cabinets. He soon comes back with a glass of Ginger Ale and a bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup. He sits on his knees, pushing me down gently as I try to sit up. 'No I'm going to feed you kitten." he says, blowing on a steaming spoonful of soup. I open my mouth as he feeds me the surprisingly good soup. He purrs in satisfaction with himself as he helps me feel better. I soon finish and he puts the empty bowl and glass onto the table beside the couch. He sits on his knees with his head on my lap, almost submitting-like . I run my fingers through his hair as he purrs loudly, his body vibrating in happiness.

I groan, drained of all energy and Justin snaps his head up. I feel like a baby but I make grabby hands at him. He smiles wide and picks me up, perching me on his hip like a toddler. He rubs circles on my back as he carries us up the stairs. He lays me on our bed and I'm hit with a cold chill. Justin notices me shivering and takes off his shirt. Leaning over he starts to take off mine as well. I slap his hand off knowing I sleep with no bra. "No. I need to warm you and body heat is the best way." he says innocently. He takes off my shirt and pulls me into his body, caressing my back. All he does is kiss my forehead and rubs my back. He makes no sexual moves whatsoever. He doesn't even look down, even though I know he wants to, to make sure I'm comfortable. Just caresses me until I'm warm as we fade into blackness.

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