Chapter 61

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Bryce on the side >>>

Bella's POV

"Do you really have to leave? Can't you just stay and be with me" Justin whines and pouts. He was laying on the floor watching TV but when I passed he grabbed my ankle and hasn't let go since. "Yes, Bunny. I haven't seen them in four years. I will be back in a few hours, promise." I look at him sympathetically as his eyes brim with tears. My little teddybear. "Okay. If it makes you happy." He sniffs and wipes his eyes and nose with his sleeve.

My heart clenches at the sight. Kneeling down, I pull his body in a tight hug. He curls into me and chokes on a sob. "Oh baby..It's just for a few hours." I sigh petting his fluffy soft hair. "I k-know. I just feel like you're l-leaving me." he cries. I silently gasp and grab his face to make him look at me. "I will never leave you, do you understand? I love you, bunny." I say sternly then kiss his forehead. "P-promise?" he whispers, large black crocodile tears roll down his face. "Promise." I smile small then peck his soft pink lips that were now salty from his tears. "Okay. You better l-leave now before I change m-my mind." he giggles, lightening the mood as I hand him a tissue. I look up at the clock and see it was 10:55. I had just enough time to get there by 11:30.

"Okay, bunny. I'm leaving now. Do NOT open the door for anybody. I don't care if it's even someone we know. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time you opened the door, mister. I can't lose you again." I say sternly, pointing a finger at him. I inwardly cringe at the thought of losing my precious baby boy again. "Okay, princess. I won't." he smiles up at me from his pallet on the floor. He had grabbed a small mattress from the garage and made himself a fort with his many blankets to watch TV in.

"Don't use the stove either. I don't want the house to burn down. You know what? Just don't move. If you get hungry just grab a snack from the pantry." I say, feeling like a mother. "Okayyyy." He playfully rolls his eyes and mutters a few foreign words but smiles lightly. I smile at his fake annoyance. "I just love you, bunny." I lean down and pucker my lips begging for one more sweet kiss. My wish was granted quickly and it sent tingles through my whole body. "I love you too, kitten." he smiles brightly.

"Okay. I'm leaving now. I'll be back in a few hours." I grab my purse and head to the door hearing him childishly screech "Byeeeeeee babygirl! Be safe!" I smile shaking my head. Shutting the door behind me, I lock it just in case. I ran to my car and jump in, driving off fast so I wasn't late. About 20 minutes later, I get there with five minutes to spare. I climb out and walk to the entrance of the mall, looking around hoping to see Bryce.

Suddenly hands tickle and poke my ribs making me jump and scream. Turning around, I see a very different looking Bryce. "Bella!" He yells wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around, this was what he would do every morning in high school. "Bryce!" I giggle wrapping my arms around him in a neck. He sets me down with a huge smile and I finally take him all in. He still had his glasses but he now had muscles and abs, you could see them through his tight white t-shirt. He had perfectly straight pearly whites from many years of braces. His dirty blonde hair was spiked into a quiff but had a snapback placed over it. He was wearing a blue jean jacket over his t-shirt and plain jeans on.

"Well someone has...changed." I spoke shocked. "Me?! Have you seen yourself?! Miss. Pigtails and Hot Pink Braces." He smiles brightly. "But you look beautiful as always." he compliments. "Thank you. You look great too. The many years have done you good. Hey, you don't have you stutter and lisp anymore! It was your only cute trait back then." I tease, playfully winking. That was our friendship. We would pick on each other all the time. He laughed loudly. "I know! I'm not cute anymore...I'm just hot." He playfully winks back as I slap his arm gasping. "Come on. Let's go shop, gurl!" He says in a flamboyant gay voice snapping his fingers. I just stare at him silently for a couple seconds before we both hunch over in hysterical laughter. "Oh how I have missed you." I laugh as he slings his arm over my shoulder while we walk inside.


"I had a lot of fun, Bryce. I hope you come back soon and I'll introduce you to Justin. But next time you need to bring Melanie!" I say pulling him into a hug. All we talked about was his girlfriend and Justin. We both had found happiness. "Me too! I'm glad you found Justin. I can tell he makes you happy. I've never seen someone smile so much as you when you talk about him. I'll bring Melanie next time and we can all hang out alright?" He says kissing my cheek and pulling out of the hug. "Of course. Have a safe trip back!" I smile as does he. "Thank you. Bye Ella Bella." He teases me with my old nickname. "Bye Bry Bry." I tease back. He smiles, rolling his eyes playfully as he walks to his car and I walk to mine. We both wave once more before driving off.

I quickly get home just wanting to cuddle with Justin. Opening the front door with my key, I hear Justin screech happily at the sound of the door opening and his footsteps running down the hall. "Belllaaaaaa! I missed you so much!" He comes into view and almost knocks me over with a huge hug. As he buries his head into my neck and inhales deeply, he stiffens then growls loudly and animalistically. I freeze at the noise, thinking he was growling at something behind me. Did someone walk in? He harshly grabs my shoulders and yanks me back at arms distance, most likely leaving bruises. His eyes were a blazing endless abyss of black. "Why do you smell like a boy? Who the fuck were you with and why does it smell like he was all over you, bitch?" He barks, shaking in absolute fury. I gasp at his words, feeling my heart shatter and my eyes fill with tears.

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