Chapter Three

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Tapping my fingers restlessly on the counter I waited for them to come, they should have been here by now .

I look at my watch to see what time it and its was already six thirty and he still hadn't come yet .

I kept glancing at the door whenever  I think I  would hear the bell ring which would ring every time someone entered the parlor , but it was hard to make out because of all the karaoke singing and clapping. That's what i love about working here, its like no other ice cream parlor , ICE ICE BABY was an awesome place for hanging out with friends and family , the place had a good vibe and fun atmosphere .

The parlor was one of a kind  with the karaoke singing or some times a band form around town coming to perform giving a lot of kids a chance to get recognition since a lot of people would come here  and there was  a playground outside for the kids  and not to mention the ice cream was amzing ! and the pay was very good and you know what else wa amazing about this place ?

Every employee gets to take a tub of any ice-cream they want home every day they work .....


oh yeah 

Sighing I look at the entrance once more which was right in front of me .

This plan had to work , he had to come .

"Did he come yet "  asked my friend Mia who worked with me , let me tell you something about Mia she has the looks of the most innocent girl in the whole world with those big eyes and cute face but let me warn you she has a mind of a devil if she angry which is most of the time since she's short tempered .

"Nope not yet , I don;t know why that idiot is taking so long " I said getting a little annoyed that he wasn't here yet .

" You know he doesn't look bad to be honest i think he's totally hot" Mia said grinning  and i just rolled my eyes .

"But his attitude ruins all that  " I said with a frown and Mia only laughed.

"How do you know he's going to come? " I hear Darren ask as he's walking towards me .

    "I know he will , he just has to ! " I say getting a little frustrated .  

  "I say he's not coming and instead of waiting for someone who isn't   going to come why don't the both of us have some fun " Darren asked suggestively with a smirk plastered onto his face while i could hear Mia laugh .By 'fun' Darren means getting physical .

  So meet Darren my friend who also works with me along with Mia and who is also a complete per\/ert and a big time flirt .But he's actually a nice guy , he wasn't like this before , he was actually completely the opposite he was shy and very  romantic which is kind of hard to believe because of the way he is now .As far as I've heard he acts the way he is now because he's lost hope in love completely because of his past relationships where his girlfriends either cheated on him or just used him , apparently he was too sweet and nice to handle . Pftt I mean what kind of an excuse is that and I have no idea why any girl would cheat on a guy like he because he was very nice and i'm not going to lie but he is a very handsome nineteen year old guy  . Now look what they've turned him into .

      "In your dreams Darren , in your dreams" I said trying not to blush and rolled my eyes .

    "Oh how I can't wait to go to sleep tonight " Darren said chuckling         "Oh shut up !" i said blushing and just laughed .

  "Mia what about you , you wanna have some fun with me " he asked suggestively and  she just gave he a a blank look ,did I mention they were siblings ?  

  Well you know what they were Darren was 19 and Mia was 18 and me ? I was the youngest employee in ICE ICE BABY being 16

      "Aren't you supposed to be heading home now its already six thirty ?" Darren asked looking at his watch .

    "No not yet , not until i complete PHASE-2 of Mission Cameron is a stupid looser and a complete jerk with a face of a donkey " 

"Thats the name of the mission ?" Mia asked me wide eyed and I nodded my head yes .

"I'm not helping if thats the name of the mission " Darren said and Mia agreed to what he said . 

"Guys what the - why not ? I think the name of the mission is very appropriate" I said folding my arms and they just looked at me as if i were stupid .

"OK fine what do you guys want to name it then?" I asked  giving up .

"KILL -BILL IV" Darren said stupidly 


"What abo-" just then I heard the bell ring so looked towards the door .

"Oh my god guys its them , he's here !" I said panicking 

" Its ok calm down I and Mia know what to do " Darren said to me .

"Yea don't worry its going to work " Mia said with a reassuring smile and i nodded my head and made a mad dash into the the store room back -side .

Cameron and his friends sat in their usual spot which was near the big window which had a nice view of the garden outside .I saw Darren go to their table and take their order .

"Here I got the tablets " Mia said and handed over to me  a small bottle containing tablets .

" You sure this is going to work?" I asked her nervously . I cannot believe i was going to do this ! 

"Trust me it is " Mia said grinning mischievously.

" OK guys time to work on the plan ! " I heard Darren say as he entered .

"one Cherry Cheesecake , two Black Raspberry and one Lion's More " Darren said repeating the order .

" Let me guess Cameron ordered the Lion's More?" Mia asked with he eyebrows raised .

"Yup  and Oh  one ice pack too , looks like someone punched Cameron on the face real hard" Darren said chuckling .

"OK guys you get the other orders and i'll work my magic on the 'Lion's More' "I said grinning like an idiot .

"Aye Aye Captain !" they both chorused together .

I took the ice cream container and filled it with two scoops of the 'Lion's More ' flavored ice cream which contained Vanilla ice cream with graham cracker, chocolate pieces and marshmallow swirl , one of our famous ice-creams and then I took out the bottle of tablets that Mia gave me and took out two and put it into the ice cream and got an ice pack  .

" OK you guys ready to serve some ice -cream or what ! " I asked excitedly but deep down somewhere i was really nervous .

"Yes we are !" they chorused together again, I just looked at them weirdly.

" OK i'm going to server it to them now " Darren said carrying the tray containing ice cream to the table while I and Mia giggled uncontrollably  thinking about what was going to happen .

"Oh my god" Mia squealed 

"He's eating it " I yelped 

"Look's like Mr.Player is going to be spending some time in the men's washroom" I said smirking and Mia hi- fived me .

"Hey i helped too " Darren said pouting I just chuckled and hi-fived him too and we all laughed evilly .

Mr.Player had no idea that I was going to make him pay .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys :D 

So here's chapter three and I hove you've enjoyed it 

comment! , vote! tell me what you think !  

Varsha :D

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