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Taehyung sprints through the forest with all of his energy that he had. Which was none. He's been running for such a long time that he felt like giving up at any time. His legs buckling and shaking. The moon was his only source of light as he tries to get away from whoever or whatever was chasing him.

It was raining hard outside, which made the dirt trail ways turn into mud. He constantly slips ands slides through it. Each raindrop that touches his skin was icy which made him flinch due to sensitivity.

The whole situation was barbaric. Twenty minutes earlier he took a stroll through this forest to find a midnight snack while no humans were around.

Then he felt it.

The feeling of being watched. Preyed upon. He could've fought whoever was there and won easily because he was a lord but his senses wouldn't allow him to. He follows his senses because it never left him wrong. Although he wasn't so sure about this one... He decided to run and heard the creature chase after him immediately.

Who ever was chasing him will likely be captured and killed for its wrongdoings. Messing with a lord was serious business.

The Vampire Empire was separated into three categories: lords, hadies, and minors.

Lords were the leaders and choice makers in the Vampire Empire. They're basically a government. They kept their community in check and made sure vampires were nothing but myths to humans. They couldn't afford to be known to humankind. They would all be most likely captured and be experimented on by the human government or killed merciless. They are and always will be highly respected by other vampires.

Minors are humans that got turned into a Vampire by getting bitten by another Vampire. They were always looked down upon in the Vampire community. They were inexperienced and belligerent. Draining humans from blood recklessly without thinking about the consequences. Doing things to leak the exposure of vampires. Making lords jobs more difficult. You could basically say that minors was a mixture of teenagers going through a rebellious phase and forty year olds going through a mid-life crisis.

Hadies are just...Vampires. They were born and raised into a vampire. When they turn eighteen or older they have no choice but to become a lord. It was their duty as a hadie. When they've been a lord for at least five years or more, they can retire.

But whoever was chasing Taehyung was no minor or hadie. It couldn't be, it was too intelligent. Too manipulative. Taehyung actually feels intimidated this creature. It usually takes Vampires at least three decades of training to become this powerful at hunting.

Taehyung collapses into the mud, panting uncontrollably. He was too weak to go on. Whoever was chasing him would have to fight him to the death now. Taehyung was confident, even cocky in his fighting skills. Sure the creature is good at hunting but fighting one on one was a totally different thing.

Taehyung suddenly heard a twig snap in half about three yards away from him. His fangs immediately come out and he hisses at the creature ferociously. His eyes turning fiery green. Signaling he wanted to fight. Taehyung's eyes flicker all around him, waiting for the creature to appear from behind one of the trees.

But it didn't come out.

Taehyung grew more angrier by the second. He wanted to fight so badly now, he was getting worked up.

"You've spent...all this time hunting me and when I actually want to fight you don't want to fucking come out and show yourself?" He yells out the last few words in rage. His growling sounding demonic.

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