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Nahm crosses her legs tightly as she sits in the back of the limousine with Taehyung beside her, on their way to Taehyung's meeting. There's been a question she's been yearning to ask him ever since he began to explain vampirism to her.

Her dreams, have been haunting her for a while now and maybe Taehyung could possibly tell her the cause since he was a lord. But at the same time she didn't want to sound stupid in front of him. He might think she's delusional. She takes a deep breath and turns to Taehyung.

"Answer this for me," Nahm starts off. Taehyung looks at her, his full attention on her. But Nahm hesitates. There was something about the way his eyes glistened that made Nahm stop and stare at him unintentionally. They were full of innocence and submission. Nahm might've not known Taehyung for a long time but she could see through him.

The "tough" and bold act he puts on to intimidate people. But in reality, he wasn't like that at all. He was tough physically that is but his energy gave off something else. Nahm was surprised herself at how she figured out something like this just at her looking at him.

He was just so—cute. Everything was cute about him. His posture, his face, the way his legs were closed together as his slim fingers diligently tapped his knees.

She wanted to dominate him so badly.

But not now, she wanted to catch him at the right time during him acting cold hearted like last night. And completely catch him off guard, seducing him and making him fully vulnerable to her. Closely watching at how his stern image slowly fades away and him becoming more and more desperate and submitted to her. But she wouldn't let him have it yet, she would tease him till he's sobbing in neediness—

"Nahm?" Taehyung raises an eyebrow at her, his eyes that were shining with youth were now dark and cold. "What are you thinking about?" His voice suspicious.

Nahm snaps out of her fantasies and comes back to reality. "Nothing." Nahm blurts out, suddenly getting defensive. Before Taehyung could ask anymore questions, Nahm continues with hers. "Like I was saying...nightmares. I've been having a lot of them lately, every since I turned into a vampire."

"Ah," Taehyung sighs. "I know what you're talking about. Minors are turned into vampires by other vampires, but the thing about being a minor is that when you turn into one, you loose part of your memory. Including who turned you into a minor. So minors constantly have nightmares about their turnings but can't figure out who turned them. It haunts them till they figure it out. And some of them never do."

Nahm mouth parts in surprise. "So, if minors never figure out who turned them, they'll have torturous night terrors for the rest of their lives..."

"Well, you could say eternity because immortality comes with being a vampire."

Well damn.

When the limousine finally stops, they both know they've arrived at their location. Nahm fidgeting with her fingers and she follows Taehyung out of the car. She gulps when she sees a very large building in front of her. Tall as a skyscraper and wide enough that it filled the whole block. The outside of the building was made out of glass but the windows were tinted, so no one could look inside. It looked somewhat abandoned.

Taehyung grips the handle of the building and looks back at Nahm. "Don't make a fool out of yourself or ask any stupid questions while we're here. You'll only make it harder on me. Just try to act normal okay?"

Nahm tilts her head in confusion. "Define normal."

"Just stay quiet unless you are spoken to." Taehyung sighs.

He opens the door and immediately there were two large men beside each side of the door. Nahm guessed they were security officers. They look at Taehyung and greet him.

"Greetings lord Taehyung." They both welcomed him in the building but hesitated when they saw Nahm. "And who is she?"

Taehyung quickly locks his and Nahm's arms together which made Nahm heart beat a bit more faster feeling something she couldn't really describe. "A guest, she's here for a meeting also."

"Yo." Nahm speaks out to the two men and she holds a hand out to shake both of their hands.

Both of the mans faces turns from kindness and politeness to complete disgust. "She's a minor." One of them spat out.

Taehyung told Nahm that even though minors were technically vampires, they were outcasted and basically treated like aliens by hadies & lords. They weren't even allowed to go into the Vampire Empire without permission from a lord. It was shameful.

"Hey." Taehyung's voice suddenly grew louder in irritation at the security guards, eyes turning dark. Not changing to green which meant he was in total rage and ready to kill, but he had no tolerance for the guards. Both of the security guards faces look horrified at Taehyung's sudden mood swing. "Don't discriminate."

Taehyung push pass the guards and through the lobby, taking Nahm with him. His arm still wrapped around hers, but now more tightly.

Nahm's eyes glistening in amazement as she gets a better look inside the building. The outside of the building looks really old and broken down but the inside looks like pure luxury. The floor was made out of glass, colored a blood red. Along with a huge chandelier that spread across the whole building.

There were other vampires there too. Some working at the front desk. And some of them talking with other vampires on the black leather couches that were in the lobby.

"I told you not to speak didn't I?" Taehyung scolds Nahm. His voice stern as his voice got lower.

"...Sorry." Nahm apologizes, she could tell he was genuinely irritated & she didn't want to set him off any more.

Nahm looks at him sideways and sees him scowl at her words.

"No you're not, if you were sorry you would've shut your mouth like I told you to." Taehyung snaps at Nahm.

Nahm scoffs at Taehyungs attitude. "I apologized damn, humans make mistakes."

"Correction," Taehyung corrects Nahm. "Minors make mistakes, you're not even close to an human so you can't use that excuse anymore."

And that's when Nahm realizes.

I'm not human anymore. Nahm thinks to herself. And there's no way of becoming back human. From now on I have to deal with constantly being disrespected because I'm a minor. And I— just have to deal with it. Just because another vampire wanted a meal. All because of that fucking vampire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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