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*Amanda’s P.O.V*

Okay, i hope this looks descent and that I don’t make a fool of myself, again. Stupd things like falling when walking in the door or stumbling over the words. It has happened a few times now, which kind of explains why I didn’t get the parts after those auditions. But I’m gonna nail this one, I know it. Know more clumsiness and no more nerves that make me stutter and fumble over the words. This is it. This is my chance. And this one I’ll get, I know it.


Damn, there are a lot of people around here. Is the show really that popular? It can’t be, it’s on Nickelodeon for goodness sake.

I look around me, at all the people waiting for their turn to audition. There’s sat up a big tent where the audition is held, and where you get your script and a number. I’m number 27 which means I probably have to wait for quite a while to get in. So I just take my time to read through the script and memorize it as much as I can. I have to admit, it’s not really good, but then again, it is a children show.


“Number 27 get ready” I look up from my script, before I look back down to look at my phone. Wow, 2 hours has gone already. I stand up and dust the sand off of me. Next time I go to an audition on the beach, remind me to bring a towel or a blanket or something else to sit on.

“Number 27!” is yelled again, so I walk up to the tent and shows the woman the paper with my number. “Alrigh, you can go in now.” she lets me into the tent, where I see four pretty cure guys sitting, alongside some other people, who I believe is the crew of the show.

“What’s your name, how old are you and where are you from?” some middle aged guy asks me. He sounds bored and tired and I can’t blame him. He has already seen 26 girls who wanted this part, and I bet not many of them have been very good.

“My name is Amanda Jones, I’m 23 years old and I am from Newark, Ohio.” I say with confidence in my voice. I glance down the row of people, and catch a pair of beautiful green eyes staring straight at me. I look away and take a deep breath before looking back up at all the people in front of me.

“Okay Miss Jones. You’ve been given two scenes to read through and the boys here…” he points at the four boys at the end. I catch the green eyes again but this time I just smile and focus my attention back to the middle aged guy who was speaking. “These boys will go through the scenes with you. Just to see how you act and react alongside them. Are you ready Miss Jones?” I nod and the four young men walk up beside me.

“Okay, the first scene is on page 55. You are playing alongside James and Carlos. James has a good eye to you, but you ignore his many tries to seduce you because you are interested in Carlos. Carlos is oblivious to this, though he, as well, has a little crush on you. James finds out about this, and both boys confront you about the issue. Ready? Action!”

J = James, C = Carlos, A = Amanda (Character’s name is Michelle)

J: Carlos how could you? You knew I liked her, why would you take her away from me?

C: James, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you liked her, what was I supposed to do? How should I know that she was the girl you were talking about? I thought you liked Lucy.

J: Lucy’s gone, and I like Michelle now.  Michelle, you have to choose, it’s either him or me. Who do you want to be with?

A: James, I-I’m sorry, but I just don’t feel that way about you. I like Carlos, but if it means that I force two best friends up against each other, then I won’t choose anyone. I can’t believe that you two would fight over a girl like me. I haven’t been here for very long, yet I have gotten to know both of you well enough to know that your friendship is important to you, and that you won’t ever let anything come in between you.

So I choose none of you, because I don’t wanna come in between best friends. I’m not gonna be that girl that split up Big Time Rush. That’s just not me. So I’m sorry boys but hopefully we can still be friends, ‘cause for now I choose to be with none of you.  

Everybody start clapping and I can’t help the smile creeping onto my face.

“That was very good.” That middle aged man says. Now, are you ready for the next scene?” I nod. “Okay, guys come over here.” He calls to the boys and they all stand up and walk over next to me.

“Okay Miss Jones. This is scene 5 on page 11. It is the first meeting between you and the boys. All the boys are acting alongside you in this one, okay?” I nod again. “alright. Action!”

J = James, C = Carlos, K = Kendall, L = Logan, A = Amanda (Character’s name is Michelle)

C: Woaw, who’s that? (Staring at the new girl walking by)

J: I don’t know, but I’m going to find out very soon (Smiling mischievously while checking her out)

A: Like what you see boys? (Turns around and looks at the boys checking her out)

J: Hello, I’m James Diamond and you must be a fallen angel because of so beautiful you are. (Sends her a flirtatious smile)

A: Sorry but that doesn’t work me. But nice try. But anyways, I’m Michelle, i just arrived from Waterloo in Iowa. So, does any of you want to show me around or shall I find someone else, who doesn’t stare at my butt all the time?

K: No, we’ll show you around. First, what room are you in?

A: Room…D16 (looks at her key to check the room number)

L: Great, let’s go a put your stuff there and then we ca show you around the hotel

A: Okay. Let’s go. (takes one of her suitcases and are about to grab the other, but are cut off by Carlos)

C: Let me take that for you my lady (takes the suitcase with a smile and caries it for her to the elevator)

A: Why, thank you kind sir. (Returns the smile and walk after the others to the elevator)

Again, people are clapping and I start smiling again. I actually think I nailed this one. But of course it is easy, when you are working with these guys. I don’t know them, but I already feel comfortable around them. and I have a good feeling about this. I so nailed this audition. I know that I did.

“Thank you Miss Jones, we’ll let you know if you get the part.” The middle aged man says and writes something down in his papers. I smile and says a quick ‘thank you’ before walking back out. But before I can make my way out the tent, something, or someone, grabs my wrist and turns me around. Alright that’s just rude. I look up, and see the beautiful green eyes that I catched before. And I find them belonging to a guy with blond hair, Kendall I think his name is.

“What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be in there watching more bad auditions?” I ask, probably sounding a bit rude. But then again, he did surprise me by grapping me by the wrist and pulling me back into the tent.

“Sorry, but I just felt like I had to talk to you. And by the way, that audition wasn’t bad, it was actually really good. The best we’ve seen so far. But that wasn’t why I wanted to talk to you. I just, I don’t know. Arh, this is so stupid, you’re right I should probably go back in there. I just… I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Kendall. And here…” he gives me a piece of paper. “here’s my number. Please call me or text me sometime. Okay. Oh, and don’t mind this, I’m not like this all the time, I just. Yeah, just text me okay? Okay, bye.”

Alright, what just happened? He gave me his number and told me to text or call him. But why? Why me? It’s not like I’m any special, so what does he want with me. Nah, I’ll keep it, maybe I’ll find someone who what’s it. I know I sound evil. Maybe I should text him. It can’t hurt to know a few people in the business. And to be honest, he’s actually quite cute. I think I’ll text him tomorrow.


I know this chapter sucked, and i'm sorry. but i promise that the other chapters will be better. or at least i'll try to make them better :)

- Tanya xoxo 

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