Chapter 1: Theo

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Hello, My name is Theodosia Hera Sylvester Lunares Scamander, but everyone calls me Theo. I'm 16 years old and going to Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For my 7th year project. We get to go out and test our skills in the real world. Everybody is paired up with someone. I had the worst luck that day. I was paired up with Jason Black, my mortal enemy (Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating. We just really hate each other). We decided to visit New York. He wanted to visit his family, and I want to visit Ilona, my pen-pal.

"Come on Black! We're going to be late!"

"I don't understand why we can't just apparate?"

"Well, our forms went in a week ago and so they're only going to be valid by the time we get to New York. Plus, you don't want to be splinched do you?"

"Awww, you really do care for me, Theodora."

"How many times do I have to tell you NOT to call me Theodora. My name is Theodosia. How many times do I have to tell you? Ahh! Hurry up, the boat's about to leave!" I run to catch the boat. We ran aboard just in time. A stewardess in a crisp, navy uniform greeted us.

"Ah, hello sweeties." She says in a thick Brooklyn accent, "Let me guess, two newlyweds on a honeymoon."

"No, we're on a school trip," I reply

"Hmm," She says, I could tell she was not convinced. "Anyway here you go, V.I.P. Suite, Number 35. Down the hall to the right."

"Come on, Let's get to our room. I don't want to stick around." Black murmurs, "I'd prefer not to get caught hanging around here." I stare at him quizzically. "What? My family is everywhere. I mean, I'm almost positive that the stewardess is my aunt's cousin's' fiance's mother or something like that. Anyway, The engine room #5 is not actually an engine room, it's a magic speakeasy. Let's meet up there around 9-ish?"

"Fine with me."

"Oh, and make sure to wear something nice, and try to keep your hair a natural color, people have been looking at us weird."

"Ok, that's cool. Um, should we try and color coordinate? I just don't want any drunk old wizard trying to ask me out. I still hate you but you're better than some old drunken guy."

"Thanks, now I know that you rank me only slightly higher than an old drunken wizard." he deadpans.

"Love you too," I shot back as I twirled on my heel to head for the deck. When I got there a small origami crane was waiting for me. I unfolded it, It had a quick note scrawled upon it.

--My dress robes are a dark red. Maybe wear that one with the red lace top and sleeves? --

I felt my face flush. How did Black know that I had brought that dress? The memory of the last time I wore that dress makes me turn an even brighter red. I barely managed to keep my hair from changing. I crumple up the note and try not to think of the memory.

End Of Chapter 1

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