Chapter 2: Theo

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It's about 8:30 and I'm getting ready to go drink some butterbeer. I slip on the red dress. Earlier I realized that that was the only red dress I own. Actually, it's the only red thing I own. Most of my dress wear is silver or navy, my house colors. I swipe some red and gold eye-shadow a quick cat-eye and some red lipstick. I look at myself in the small vanity mirror. I snort, very unladylike. I look like a Gryffindor. I quickly change to a bottle green lace dress instead, and change my hair to a dark brunette. I wipe off my makeup re-add the cat-eye but add silver eye-shadow instead. I choose a pearlescent dark green for my lip. When I find Black I'll spell his robe green. I look back at myself, I look like a Slytherin but that's better than a Griffindor. I meet him outside the engine room.

"Looks like you changed your color scheme"

"I looked like a bloody Gryffindor. I bloody hell will not look like a Gryffindor. And if you say otherwise I will curse your ears off."

"Fine, but now you have to change my robe to green or otherwise I will look like someone else's fiance."

I raise my eyebrows, "So, you are my fiancé now?" I ask "because I sincerely doubt that anyone will believe 'us'."

"Fine, I just don't want anyone proposing to me. Who knows, I just don't want to end up married to some drunkard"

"Great! Looks like we have the same opinion of each other."

"Well are we going to wait forever?" He looks at me with his dark brown eyes. I quickly look away. He slips his arm around my waist. I turn his robes dark green like my dress. "Let's go. " he whispers in my ear as we slip inside and I remove his arm from around my waist.

The speakeasy was full of an assortment of odd characters. I couldn't see the ceiling because it was covered it a thick, green, pungent smoke. I gave myself a quick, invisible, bubble-head charm so I could breathe. I give one to Black, I don't want to deal with all the paperwork that comes with your partner dying.

I quickly look around the room. I see a familiar face, two of them actually. I see Maggie Smith and her partner/boyfriend Potter. I step away from Black and head my way over to them.

"Theo! How good to see you!" Maggie squeals.

"Same, I was hoping not to pretend to be Black's fiancé all evening."

"His fiancé?" She asked, "I thought you hated each other?"

"I do, but I would rather pretend to be his fiancé then have drunken men trying to ask me out. Plus, it's probably the for the best. Anyways, let me call him over here, looks like he's checking out a pixie, and we all know that can't end well." I walk over and, quite literally, yank him away by his ear. He looks stunned for a second then he flushes. He mumbles thanks as I walk him over to Maggie. "Sorry Bla..Jason, but I can't have you ending up with a pixie, because that's the last thing I want to deal with." He mumbles something that I can't quite hear. "Why don't you head over to Potter HEY, POTTER GET AWAY FROM THAT VEELA! God, Black poke him with this."

"Gladly." Black walked over and stabbed Potter in the neck with zest.

"Oh, no! Fleamont! Why has he passed out?" She screeched "What have you done with him?"

"Don't be such a worrywort, it's only a needle with a diluted Draught of Living Death. I'll wake him" I point my wand at Potter "Rennervate" He starts up, looking at Maggie drowsily. I look back at Black  "I said poke not stab in the neck." He grins and winks.

"Euphemia, is that you?" Oh, I forgot to tell you that Maggie's real name is Euphemia. Can you see why she goes by Maggie?

"See? He's fine." I check a set of small silver bottles and a few little pouches in my purse, "Can you excuse me for a second? I seem to be running low on a few potions and I gave my last needle to Black." I take off the purse and open it up. Maggie and Potter step back. Black stays where he is. Unfortunately, he's seen me do this millions of times before. "Hold this" I give the purse to Black. Then I step down out of sight...

End of Chapter 2

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